Woodies CCI system

for anyone who is interested. it seems that there has been a split off at woodies club. after woodie set up a monkey trading programe that you had to pay $600 a year for. some mods did not agree as the newbe site was to have no mods. tw now has own more interesting site. where other topics can be openly spoke about .all imo, fwiw

cci trading room.
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very intersting! As a former woodies participant and seminar attendee, I would like to know more. Do you mean that the 'cci trading room' free alternative is here at t2w?
dlpirl said:
very intersting! As a former woodies participant and seminar attendee, I would like to know more. Do you mean that the 'cci trading room' free alternative is here at t2w?
the site is a room in talks live. my link has been removed from woodies site, think there is a bit of badfeeling. have emailed . will post new link for anyone to have a look when i receive it.
dlpirl said:
very intersting! As a former woodies participant and seminar attendee, I would like to know more. Do you mean that the 'cci trading room' free alternative is here at t2w?


Pleae go to Chat Page to down load new hot conference address for chat rooms.

We are pushing CCI charts two ways the first it Go To Webinar and second Trading Rooms platfore you can get the links from the Live Chart page off the website.

Any other questions please let me know.

[email protected]
hello CYOF

G,Day CYOF , I have read one of your posts in regards to Christian Crizinch , trading the E mini , with the CCI , I have done a google search for this info as per your post , though i can not seem to find it in advanced google search engine , is there any chance you can point me in the right direction to locate this information as i would like to view it .

Thanks Steve(downundere)
CYOF said:
If you really want to do a service KIWI, then give it away. You may be surprised at the joy this will bring you, and also, it may just help you improve on those results :idea:

But, I would not just give it to someone just because they ask, for if you do that, you are really doing them an injustice. They must do some work for themselves first, as if they receive without giving, then they are not operating to the given Laws, which one must do, if one wants to achieve any real success.

And, btw, my reference to God is different than most, but if you have read my posts so far, then you will know this.

People who use the name of God in vain, will indeed get their just reward, but not for the reason most think, but, none the less, they will still get what they deserve, guaranteed.

LOL ... you halfwit ... if you read my post you'd see it was from another guy. I think you'll find that he has a lot more successes than Woodie has - a lot more.

I give plenty of stuff away (ask any Sierra Chart user) and its probably worth a lot more than what you give away.
cormick said:
G,Day CYOF , I have read one of your posts in regards to Christian Crizinch , trading the E mini , with the CCI , I have done a google search for this info as per your post , though i can not seem to find it in advanced google search engine , is there any chance you can point me in the right direction to locate this information as i would like to view it .

Thanks Steve(downundere)
I don't know where CYOF is coming by his misconceptions at present but Christian never made money using the CCI in Woodie's room. If you want to find him now do a search for globetrader ... I believe hes got a blog somewhere.
Latest CCI Trading Video

My fellow CCI Traders

My newest video on indicator and time confluence trading is now available. The video discusses a multi-confluence setup on the YM (Dow-mini futures) utilizing price support, multiple indicators, and two time frames.


Also, a heads-up for you webmasters. The links for my other videos have changed as follows:





If I can interject, the concept that
<<if any system was that good, everyone would be using it>> is a meme.
By that I mean its a reasonable, good-sounding contagious thought, passed from person to person until it has a life of its own.
I been working on my own system and particpating on many ta boards for years and have seen all the reasons unfold that prove NO system or method will ever become universaly used.
For one thing all trading methods require patience, persistence and hard work. That statement alone rules out a huge amount of your fellow man who wants quick and easy.
Wooides methods require all day attention and a lot of trades. This 2nd statement just ruled out how many more?.
There are many more such points but I'll make the final one that woodies system (like mine and any other) does NOT have a winner every time. This 3rd point, no matter what they say when warned up front, will rule out many more people who were inwardly chasing a pipedream of a winner every time.

Woodie has some great ideas, I'm only referring to the meme thought of 'everyone using it'.
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there are many who say and think there will be drawdowns. i disagree and consistently prove it all the time.
i am one of those dummies who did something before someone told me i couldn't do it.
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I did spend nearly 18 months around Woodies room so I have a good idea of how many of the 800 visitors to his room are succeeding in following Woodies method ... close to zero.

I have issued a challenge in a number of Internet Environments that has not been answered. I now suspect the reason is that there are not enough members who can say "yes." But just in case, let me offer it again.

I invite 3 people who are not members of Woodies Inner Circle to step forward and answer yes to this question: "Have you been consistently profitable for at least 3 months using the CCI exactly as Woodie teaches it?" If you say yes then I will believe you.

"Exactly" eliminates people who use a bunch of extra CCIs to determine trend or add MACDs, Moving Averages or other filters to achieve profitability. The successes seem to follow GB007's advice so if you decide to hang out there pay close attention to the man. Personally I was able to succeed by using a couple of EMAs for trend and the CCI to signal entry .... but then I discovered that you don't need the CCI at all, just the 2 emas and price action to signal an even quicker, more reliable entry.

Woodies room is a nice place to visit with some wonderful people. Don't say anything that W disagrees with though or you will join a great group of traders who are ".. outa here" :cheesy:

After a year most folk have gone anyway.

I spent more then 4 months programing the WCCI system using tick precise fills and limit entries

None of the signals (ZLR, GB100, Vegas, Ghosts, Famir, Toni) are consistent or profitable
I tested it on 30 20 25 and 10 pip range bars using tick reply
I was following the official guidelines of the WCCI club and the system is just a break even
only one who is making money with it is your broker

Even some moderators of the WCCI room admitted that they are down for the year
Just think of it
if the system is down for the year not down for the week or month but it is down for a year ...it does not work
If you want to make living at this you need to be up every year

Don't bother with WCCI however the room is good learning discipline if you plan to to execute your trades manually
perfect timing for this thread only yesterday i was searching the forums for cci and no results were coming up 😀

its only because i read an interview with the flipper who said this was one of the indicators he uses

The Worlds most Successful Trader - Paul Rotter - aka "the Eurex Flipper" -  NQoos-TradingNaked

q: what timeframes are you using on your charts?
a: usually 5- - 30-min charts for trendlines and indicators. I prefer p&f charts because they give me a clearer view on patterns (triple tops). for indicators I like the CCI because it also shows the volatility of the markets.
Reading this Rotter interview several years ago is what made me look into CCI.

I use CCI, but my reasoning for using it is to help me interpret price action faster. CCI patterns capture it pretty well and thus I can react a bit faster. I trade intra day very frequently with tight stops.

CCI can be a very helpful tool if used properly.
Posts by people who in couldn't do it; or were themselves involved in illegal activities and switched from enthusiastic moderator to extreme hater don't prove anything useful.

I think the posts in this thread are much more balanced.
perfect timing for this thread only yesterday i was searching the forums for cci and no results were coming up 😀

its only because i read an interview with the flipper who said this was one of the indicators he uses

The Worlds most Successful Trader - Paul Rotter - aka "the Eurex Flipper" - NQoos-TradingNaked

q: what timeframes are you using on your charts?
a: usually 5- - 30-min charts for trendlines and indicators. I prefer p&f charts because they give me a clearer view on patterns (triple tops). for indicators I like the CCI because it also shows the volatility of the markets.

The link you posted for the Paul Rotter interview was a site called trading naked. Do they not have a ton of CCI Setups on there ??
yep plenty ...but i was looking for the views of traders who use it, and how they do and if it works for them instead of just the concept and theory behind it presented by woodie the creator.
yep plenty ...but i was looking for the views of traders who use it, and how they do and if it works for them instead of just the concept and theory behind it presented by woodie the creator.

I've tried to incorporate CCI in many a different way. It's one of those I just don't get on with. I much prefer MACD. However, I do know CCI is a popular way to go.
yep plenty ...but i was looking for the views of traders who use it, and how they do and if it works for them instead of just the concept and theory behind it presented by woodie the creator.

CCI was developed by Donald Lambert... I'd be amazed if Woodie could count up to 5 let alone develop an indicator 😆