Winning Formula Please


Hi, I'm new to this trading game. Can anyone suggest any formula that I should try and follow to make me some cash. I know I'm being nieve, so please no arsey responses, just fire away with any intra-day trading techniques that have worked for you in the past.....any help greatly appreciated!
Hi ben,

Wow - that's a hell of a broad question !

I'll drop you a private email, but in the meantime I suggest you have a look through the Traderpedia and then come back here to ask any questions about specific trading styles.

There are a number of experienced traders on this board who could probably help you, but it depends on your preferred trading style.


bencolling said:
Hi, I'm new to this trading game. Can anyone suggest any formula that I should try and follow to make me some cash. I know I'm being nieve, so please no arsey responses, just fire away with any intra-day trading techniques that have worked for you in the past.....any help greatly appreciated!


BTW. It's naive....

1. having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous.
2. having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She's so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.

Have a look here
damianoakley said:
Hi ben,

Wow - that's a hell of a broad question !

I'll drop you a private email, but in the meantime I suggest you have a look through the Traderpedia and then come back here to ask any questions about specific trading styles.

There are a number of experienced traders on this board who could probably help you, but it depends on your preferred trading style.



rols said:
BTW. It's naive....
BTW. It's naïve.... 😉
But it's an amazing question from the original poster, one of the best I've seen. I'll see what I can do, bencolling, and get back to you. Don't let anyone else know, though, ok? Otherwise all the money in the world will disappear within days if not hours.
Arbitrageur said:
fill in the blanks in detail, and then you'll have a more structured idea of what you actually need to go and find out.
. . . and if you get stuck along the way, or want clarification on anything that's unclear, don't be afraid to ask. Although, judging by your opening post, I imagine this won't be a problem!
blackcab said:
BTW. It's naïve.... 😉
But it's an amazing question from the original poster, one of the best I've seen. I'll see what I can do, bencolling, and get back to you. Don't let anyone else know, though, ok? Otherwise all the money in the world will disappear within days if not hours.

Touché! Though perhaps a little über-zealous on picking me up on a doppelgänger.:cheesy:

According to the Oxford Dictionary, naive may be spelled with or without the two dots.

naive adjective
Remember that naive is spelled with -ai- in the middle. It can also be spelled naïve, with two dots over the i, as in the original French.
bencolling said:
Hi, I'm new to this trading game. Can anyone suggest any formula that I should try and follow to make me some cash. I know I'm being nieve, so please no arsey responses, just fire away with any intra-day trading techniques that have worked for you in the past.....any help greatly appreciated!
Among the responses to your similar post from two and half years ago...
bencolling said:
The Best Strategy??? What is the best strategy for making money trading? (I know its a hugely generalised question but there you go). Can you suggest specific strategies with particular stocks please???? may have missed neil's excellent reply two hours later which, I respectfully submit, told you what you needed to hear:
neil said:
Sadly " Best" is a rhetorical question. If there was, a " Best Method," we would all be using it but there would be no market.

So you will have to research all the threads here and elsewhere
( use the "search" facility for leads ).

Eventually you will pick pieces from various sources to create a style of trading that suits you.

Along the route to being a profitable trader you will be diverted by sightings of the holy grail of trading, guru's with promises of untold wealth, and other ploys to stop wannabee traders from evolving from " please sir - more," couch potatoe's; into self sufficient embryo traders..

What I am trying to say, in a convoluted way, is that one has to make a lot of effort to become a good trader. No one here can hand you a grail on a plate. Much information has been added to this site.

Your question is a variation on a regular theme on this site. How to make money.

Well it isn't easy and I guarantee no one will drop a money spinner into your lap. No two traders trade alike.

Finally, you will learn that the biggest enemy to your success looks out from your mirror.

Study and practice but don't hold your hand out for a ready made grail. All you will get is bird poo.

Good luck.
Good luck.
rols said:
According to the Oxford Dictionary, naive may be spelled with or without the two dots.

naive adjective
Remember that naive is spelled with -ai- in the middle. It can also be spelled naïve, with two dots over the i, as in the original French.

I suggest we nod to the 2 dots, on this instance as a thumbs up to new EU court ruling that uk citizens will be able to order duty free from the french, booze fags etc and only have to pay excise in the eu country of purchase, even if the goods are brought in or delivered for and to you..

err well done EU ? hmm or is this a sweetener for or one step towards the Euro coming to UK ?
rols said:
Touché! Though perhaps a little über-zealous on picking me up on a doppelgänger.:cheesy:
*giggle* I crumple under your coup de grâce :cheesy:
Legion said:
I suggest we nod to the 2 dots, on this instance as a thumbs up to new EU court ruling that uk citizens will be able to order duty free from the french, booze fags etc and only have to pay excise in the eu country of purchase, even if the goods are brought in or delivered for and to you..

err well done EU ? hmm or is this a sweetener for or one step towards the Euro coming to UK ?
Interesting story, Legion, got a link to it please? Can't see it happening, cost Mr Brown too much.
Sorry to derail your thread Bencolling, but you didn't seem strong on following up replies to the threads you started in 2004 anyway...
No link, I'll have a nosey this avo see if i can find one, clocked it on news last night, some court case went through and the eu ruled that duty is only payable in the eu country of purchase, BBC i think (not sure)

Cost to uk £15 billions in lost revenue tax they estimate..,,30100-13551915,00.html

Sky It was, last night im sure they said the ruling went through at the court... cheap booze etc ahead...

edit, thinking about it though, last night was sunday..... have i glimpsed the future or was i just knackered?

those buggers reported the case as being won... lol I havent read the article above yet... :|
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Gosh. Thanks Legion and Jack o'Clubs.

I rarely drink and gave up the fags but as ........
Euro-MP Charles Tannock, the Tory spokesman on the duty-free trade, said: "This is going to be a huge embarrassment to Gordon Brown and his tax-raising attempts. It will also increase pressure on member states to harmonise excise duty. If we are going to have a single market this must be permitted."

It has been an absurd anomaly for far too long, didn't think it would ever change though.