Excel - win % calculation formula


Experienced member
if anyone can help me with how to correctly express the formula to extract the winning % of trades from a list of trade results.

if i have a long column of trade profit/losses, for example:
this is ten trades, three losers therefore a 70% win rate, whats the formula to work out the win % rate automatically?

Any help appreciated, thanks in advance
try and open visual basic from your excel prog.They have a tutorial on simple codes.Im also learning so cant be of direct help

1)have one formula totalling up the number of trades by using =count(A1:A100) asssuming column A has the results.

2)then in each cell in column B for example, use =if(A1>0,1,0)

then you can do a sum column B.

2) / 1) = win %
perfect! I knew it must be simple enough, but the solution was eluding me 😱

Muchos Thankos Fet
Or if you want to add up all the winners, then the loosers to find the profit factor and other stats use...

SUMIF(a1:a10,">0") for the total win% and

SUMIF(a1:a10,"<0") for the total loose%. One divided by the other = profit factor or use to find Average winner etc etc.
as a matter of fact i did want to work those figures out, thanks for the help, you've saved me a bit of extra brainwork 🙂
Putting in COUNT instead of SUM gets you the number of winners or loosers and SUM the total sum of the winners and loosers - neat...hadn't used that before.