Will the "holy grail" be what you expect?

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A king’s cup. Or a simple carpenter’s?

It simply astonishes me. The ammount of «easy riders» ,«pros» , «90% success wonders» I am seeing out there.
I think many people underestimate or overestimate what analysts and traders do .
There is a big difference between life and sport. You ‘ll agree that trading is definitely not a sport. You are not keeping score with pips like in soccer. There is no «World Title» waiting in the end. Come to think of it there is no «end». It is more like a constant occupation. A kind of parallel existence. Like life itself ,I believe It has more in common with activities like mountaineering or sailing for that matter. You read the mountain or the sea and you do what needs to be done or you get stuck at that cliff. This taken in its purest form is not a «hobby». It is about survival. Don’t forget that all ancient (classical) sports came from military drills and training.
But only if it were as easy as that. You see in trading the number of variables can be overwhelming ,the market itself global and officialy unregulated. Whether we recognise it or not ,most of the time we are treading in uncharted territory, partly guessing along the way. Oh and wishing too.
For the market is alive. Yes after seven long years I do believe that .It feels and reacts , it has its own agonies-and feeds on ours- its own joys and and eccentricities. It is an enormous ,wild and unpredictable beast ,a kind of Shai Hulud of our time roaming inside ocean deserts of data . Some could argue that the beast is actually contained ,that out there in the shadows hide the beastmasters that control it. But really who are we to know better? And even then ,how would that change our –hopeless- «condition»?
You think you can actually fathom its enormity. Comprehend its complexivity. You may say that you do but you don’t really .None of us does. How dare you say that you can anticipate it , confront it without fear or risk. Saying that borders on the insane , it is almost an hybris. And this is the most logical and natural think you will read about Forex for a long time. Hard to admit , yes but true nonetheless.
And because it is true ,it can be a starting point. A building block. Recognizing that our relationship with the Market , is really far more «unsettling» and complex than pips and stakes and «thrills» on an otherwise boring afternoon .As deep or even deeper than the relationship of the climber and his mountain or the sailor and the eternal sea. And some very meaningful poems have been written about both.

A beautiful description I once read about the I-Ching comes to mind:
The author-I simply can’t remember the name- in a brilliant flash of inspiration ,argued that the most profound personal guide in the world cannot be written by somenone other than you, yourself .That is why the I-Ching -like all legendary Oracles of the past –attempts to bring «writer» and «reader» , «prophet» and «disciple» together. It does so with its unique cryptic messages, its intended vagueness , while you and you alone hold the candlelight to the deeper meaning ,carving eventually your personal path. And it is at that instant ,one might think ,that two worlds, two minds connect into one.
A most sought after communion? A happy coincidence? Jung’s synchronicity?
I won’t even dare to get into that debate. Choose your own «poison». But what it all boils down to-and this my personal opinion of course- is that you cannot ,alone by yourself ,witness the Miracle. It has to reach out for you .It has to meet you halfway.
Maybe out of pure luck ,maybe out of pity for your unwavering devotion. Who knows why it will choose or stumble upon you. But this «Grail», this unicorn we seek ,I honestly believe it is not entirely up to us and our own limited devices to find. Or lose…..
«I don’t believe in God» yelled Edmond Dantes.
«It doesn’t matter. For He believes in you» answered Abbe Faria.
All we do know is where the adobe of this deity we believe in lies. All we see are the fresh ruins and the golden kingdoms he leaves in his path. And all that is left for us to do is keep trying to understand .Yes I know it sounds like a «religion». It has been sounding like that for a long time now.

Wait a minute. Forex a «religion» and not a «science»?

Is that so inconceivable? Well let’s say for a moment that it was true.Then some interesting questions would arise:

Have you heard of many who have been touched by god?
Do you think it was what they expected?

Maybe it’s high time you chose sides. And if you end up considering yourself a believer ,better pray to the Forex gods to have pity on you.
Nice read for a Sunday morning.

Are there really "Forex gods"? Oh yes -
The gods may throw the dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Gets stopped out.
So maybe the holy grail resides in what you are ready to let go ,instead of what you keep
that may not be the complete holy grail but its a good proportion of it.
The holy grail to me is hard work - studying hard, practising hard. Everything else turns out to be empty promises.
If by "hard work" you mean studying charts ,testing indicators and staying updated , these are definitely perequisites however I always believed that the traders personality /mentality, is part of the mysterious "equation" to success.

It would be very interesting to hear from other traders just how they think their experience trading has changed them ,even with regard to their off-trading routine /behaviour
Trading is a profession like any other ......it requires years of diligent training perseverance and research without any guarantees of future income

The holy grail is the trader inside of us trying to get out.....we as frail humans are the barrier to it emerging .......few make the cut ....and I do agree that fate will play a hand in that journey many times along the way through finding good mentors

That's it.....that's the secret....the relentless pursuit of perfection in trading.....eternal learning and evolution.....and a sprinkle of luck in finding your true winning edge sooner rather than later

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If by "hard work" you mean studying charts ,testing indicators and staying updated , these are definitely perequisites however I always believed that the traders personality /mentality, is part of the mysterious "equation" to success.

It would be very interesting to hear from other traders just how they think their experience trading has changed them ,even with regard to their off-trading routine /behaviour

That is what I meant, yes. I don't think there are shortcuts in this job, as well as most other jobs out there.