I think that in the near future politicians will have to consider banning AI in certain areas. One area is where AI takes away jobs such as in taxi and truck driving.
The consequences of mass unemployment will be critical to this decision. I am not against AI but feel it should be restricted to areas like data management, medical science etc.
This will create some jobs but probably not enough to maintain a high level of employment.
If our feeble politicians allow AI to rule then the vast army of unemployed will be struggling to exist on the paltry benefits. They will probably become violent in their struggle to survive.
One solution is to legalise all drugs and hope that most of the unemployed rabble are too stoned out to cause trouble !
Another solution is to replace politicians with AI and hope they are more sensible.
AI definitely has some positive aspects. It isn't all doom and gloom. There are the obvious advantages of it finding cures for cancer etc,
From a personal point of view, below this video addresses the possibilities of a younger person about to start a career.
Inspirational for aspirational, highly motivated young people with brains, talent, education, but what about the other 98% of the working population
Ah that is just the point. In the coming revolution brainy people's jobs will be more affected than labourers, plumbers, electricians etc. Their jobs are much harder to replace with robots.
I should have noted the article comparing Alexa, Siri etc.
The one that came out top after a series of tests was Google assistant if you are interested.
They continue to improve and will replace the nagging wife I expect.