Why the hurry for the big bucks...?

Mann do not employ robots.Their fund managers are tied to low drawdown contracts, whereas ordinary traders like us are not.Their trading is restricted due to tight drawdowns and risk controls.No comparison.

And on what basis do you know this? They do use robots, or automated trading systems, quote:
"The AHL strategy, with about $21.2 billion under management, uses computer models to make automated trades in more than 150 futures markets worldwide."

The Man Group AHL, automated trade execution system, I suspect is rather a complex beast, covering numerous automated systems across numerous markets (>150). As a "whole" system the drawdown is probably small, but I suspect individual trade execution systems have occasional moderate drawdowns.
ps.I am a senior Software Engineer, so know a thing or two about complex software systems.
And on what basis do you know this? They do use robots, or automated trading systems, quote:
"The AHL strategy, with about $21.2 billion under management, uses computer models to make automated trades in more than 150 futures markets worldwide."

The Man Group AHL, automated trade execution system, I suspect is rather a complex beast, covering numerous automated systems across numerous markets (>150). As a "whole" system the drawdown is probably small, but I suspect individual trade execution systems have occasional moderate drawdowns.
ps.I am a senior Software Engineer, so know a thing or two about complex software systems.

Using computer models is not better than discretionary trading by a disciplined trading team.The eyes , ears and brain can be much more efficient than precoded models, using the very latest uncoded advantage.Most of their income at Mann is from hedge funds run by others, and most of them I suspect are manual discretionary trades.It is only one strategy out of many, and there is no consistent record to prove otherwise.
there is no end to the bull that comes from this guys mouth, or his keyboard i should say

you claimed you couldn't back test before 2008 as you couldn't get the data. will gladly go dig up and paste the posts of you saying this. i actually hope you die in your sleep for being such a lieing ****!

and none of the systems you have posted up were returning 90% a year, more like 9%. dick.
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These guys are not after entertainment.If robots with preprogrammed set of rules can make 30 to 50% per annum, a human being with a sight and brain can see far more opportunities and profits with much lower draw downs.

One should be able to make 1,000 pips per week fx with a maximum 1000 pip draw-down, that leaves you with 50,000 pips per annum and draw-down of 1,000.To get a 1000 pip draw-down , one needs to be wrong 50 times @20 pips.Only good traders can achieve this.

On fx one could trade 50 lots (5 mio) without any problem with Duetsche bank, so scalability is not a problem in fx.

I like your philosophy and I would like to suscribe to you're weekly periodicall.


If I had a million dollars of of funds above and beyond my trading account and my living expenses I would spend my time doing what I did to get the first million above and beyond.
And for sure I'd be a drunk skirt chasing man whore.
I like your philosophy and I would like to suscribe to you're weekly periodicall.


If I had a million dollars of of funds above and beyond my trading account and my living expenses I would spend my time doing what I did to get the first million above and beyond.
And for sure I'd be a drunk skirt chasing man whore.

You win Post of the Day....and I'll drink to that!

there is no end to the bull that comes from this guys mouth, or his keyboard i should say

you claimed you couldn't back test before 2008 as you couldn't get the data. will gladly go dig up and paste the posts of you saying this. i actually hope you die in your sleep for being such a lieing ****!

and none of the systems you have posted up were returning 90% a year, more like 9%. dick.

I managed to get data from Boston Technologies, just google Boston Technologies.

The whole automated portfolio of 42 systems is part of a major system , each produces a few % a year to the total system results, giving a total above 30 % a in difficult conditions which most other systems won't survive.There are 8 more in the pipeline.
Interesting. So disciplined and discretionary trading is better than automated trading, yet you are running 42 automated systems.

Do you realise that not a single person on this thread believes a single word you are saying? Are you aware of this?
Interesting. So disciplined and discretionary trading is better than automated trading, yet you are running 42 automated systems.

Do you realise that not a single person on this thread believes a single word you are saying? Are you aware of this?

Who said you can not operate both strategies i.e automated plus manual discretionary?.Two different styles of trading , one involves no effort once automation is set up.
I managed to get data from Boston Technologies, just google Boston Technologies.

The whole automated portfolio of 42 systems is part of a major system , each produces a few % a year to the total system results, giving a total above 30 % a in difficult conditions which most other systems won't survive.There are 8 more in the pipeline.

I must admit I was quite surprised when I googled Boston Technologies that google prompted me with a frequently googled suggestion of "Boston Technologies Scam/Fraud" 🙂 couldn't help but try following those links...!

Also, re your quote: "each produces a few % a year to the total system results, giving a total above 30 % "
You obviously don't know "Maths" very well, for a total system to produce 30%, EVERY sub-system must make 30% as well!!

I'm afraid i'm starting to give up believing what you say, as you never seem to give any credible details, nor do you ever try to be "humble", it's always blasting away with the 1000pips/1000% stuff... Try it, you may find you get listened to more...
Who said you can not operate both strategies i.e automated plus manual discretionary?.Two different styles of trading , one involves no effort once automation is set up.

That's not the point any more. Not one single person on this thread believes a single thing you say. Continue to post - hey, it's a free world - but realise that every keystroke is wasted.

I'm putting you back onto ignore, hopefully the moderators will see sense and ban you from this site.. it's truly pitiful to watch you embarrass yourself.
I must admit I was quite surprised when I googled Boston Technologies that google prompted me with a frequently googled suggestion of "Boston Technologies Scam/Fraud" 🙂 couldn't help but try following those links...!

Also, re your quote: "each produces a few % a year to the total system results, giving a total above 30 % "
You obviously don't know "Maths" very well, for a total system to produce 30%, EVERY sub-system must make 30% as well!!

I'm afraid i'm starting to give up believing what you say, as you never seem to give any credible details, nor do you ever try to be "humble", it's always blasting away with the 1000pips/1000% stuff... Try it, you may find you get listened to more...

If you have 42 systems with an average performance of 30 % , and average drawdowns of 20% , not all systems have to make 30 %.They all trigger trades and set ups on different parameters , and they all have different variables.They make on average 1 to 3 % per annum,but they all add up to 30 % plus , and drawdowns are averaged down, some systems may produce drawdowns whereas others may be making profits and surpluses simultaenously.

Nobody believes what is written by most on internet sites.
Tip for noobs:

When someone talks about "x pips per y time" it is normally a good idea to switch off. Genuine people do talk about pips in a colloquial way, but pips are irrelevant. %R counts, number of pips does not. "X pips" tells you nothing.

As for "1000 pips per week" etc, well 🙄.