Why the hurry for the big bucks...?

Why do you think it'll suddenly start losing more pips than it makes? Why would I use a system that did that?

I agree, one day does not a convincing argument make, but remember, I've already stated that it made at least 50 pips a day for the past year. Isn't that enough for you?

Today it's currently up 160 + pips after 5 hours trading (yes there has been a period of sideways trading and it still kept me in the upward trend) after a very good start of 100+ in an hour and a quarter this morning.

That's a fair few hundred pips in 1 and a half days. I wouldn't have to trade the rest of the week and I've already made over 50 pips a day average for this week. Not that I'll be doing that. I could even afford to lose nearly 200 pips and still be on target.

At 50 or more pips per day, £10K and intial £10/pip grows to over £800K in a year by (conservatively) ramping up the stake per pip to £100/pip using a capital of £400K by year end (£400K also taken as profit). Do the maths yourself. Grrrrr. As for drawdown, I haven't a clue, as my system has lost so little, in comaprison to gains in the past year. It tends to work fairly well in most conditions. However, surely if you find yourself trading a pair or index that suddenly goes choppy and sideways, wouldn't you look for a better pair or index to trade? It's not as if all pairs and all indexes act the very same way, all the time, is it?

That's why I initially wrote you only need to make 50 pips a day to get rich. I tend to think that's an infallible piece of logic.
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That's a fair few hundred pips in 1 and a half days. I wouldn't have to trade the rest of the week and I've already made over 50 pips a day average for this week. Not that I'll be doing that. I could even afford to lose nearly 200 pips and still be on target.

ah, now this is where you need to be a little bit more clear, this seems to imply you don't make 50pips every day, as you are implying you could lose 200pips for the rest of the week, ie. 4 losing days of -50pips. So what you're saying is if you take your total net pips win in a year and divide by the number of market days in a year you get 50 pips? This I am afraid is not very useful as a system indicator. What is:
1. your trade win rate? %win : %loss
2. your profit factor? ((%win x totalWinPips)/(%loss x totalLossPips))
How to add 2 plus two and make 17. It implied NOTHING of the sort. Leonarda, what is your problem?
Even if it did, a positive figure of plus 10,000 pips a year would still be a positive figure of 10,000 pips a year (win 100,000 lose 90,0000 or win 12,000 lose 2,000). A profit, is a profit is a profit, no matter how it's gained! Unless I suddenly became a total moron and gambled the whole lot on a single trade, how can I possibly lose????? Don't you think I'd employ some sort of money management and have some discipline? Why do people get soooo hung up over things that don't REALLY matter.

The other side of your argument is lets's say we have a system that has a 99% success rate, only makes 1 pip profit or loss per trade and trades once a day on average. Are you gonna get rich on that??? And yet the stats are pretty darned good.

Hey guys, so long as you or I MAKE around 50 pips or more per day (or more simply make 50 + more than we lose), why should anyone worry about percentage win to loss, drawdown, profit factor or whatever? It's not as if I'm trying to sell it to mugs who have $5,000 to spare. To my way of thinking, it's when you try to maximise profits, over analyse things, worry about lost opportunities and greed steps in, that a muddled brain starts to emerge. Just be work towards and be content making safe, consistent pips (no matter how many) and you'll be happier in oh so many ways.

Keep It Simple.
How to add 2 plus two and make 17. It implied NOTHING of the sort. Leonarda, what is your problem?
Even if it did, a positive figure of plus 10,000 pips a year would still be a positive figure of 10,000 pips a year (win 100,000 lose 90,0000 or win 12,000 lose 2,000). A profit, is a profit is a profit, no matter how it's gained! Unless I suddenly became a total moron and gambled the whole lot on a single trade, how can I possibly lose????? Don't you think I'd employ some sort of money management and have some discipline? Why do people get soooo hung up over things that don't REALLY matter.

The other side of your argument is lets's say we have a system that has a 99% success rate, only makes 1 pip profit or loss per trade and trades once a day on average. Are you gonna get rich on that??? And yet the stats are pretty darned good.

Hey guys, so long as you or I MAKE around 50 pips or more per day (or more simply make 50 + more than we lose), why should anyone worry about percentage win to loss, drawdown, profit factor or whatever? It's not as if I'm trying to sell it to mugs who have $5,000 to spare. To my way of thinking, it's when you try to maximise profits, over analyse things, worry about lost opportunities and greed steps in, that a muddled brain starts to emerge. Just be work towards and be content making safe, consistent pips (no matter how many) and you'll be happier in oh so many ways.

Keep It Simple.

It has alot to do with the quality of the system. You still have a few things to learn, but hey, doesn't matter to you, which is fine, but I would recommend such quality indicators to newbies who want to learn. Which is why we post these things half the time...
SO are you saying that 50 + pips per day isn't good enough, when someone earlier in this thread said to make 20 pips a day was difficult?

Even the best traders have a lot to learn, so I'm not alone.

A further thought. An automated system has no fear, greed, worry. To an automated sytem it wouldn't matter, one iota. Surely, the only way to trade is to be very disciplined and unemotional. More or less, just like an automated system?
SO are you saying that 50 + pips per day isn't good enough, when someone earlier in this thread said to make 20 pips a day was difficult?

Even the best traders have a lot to learn, so I'm not alone.

A further thought. An automated system has no fear, greed, worry. To an automated sytem it wouldn't matter, one iota. Surely, the only way to trade is to be very disciplined and unemotional. More or less, just like an automated system?

no, all I am saying is "50 + pips per day" doesn't define your system very well. Is that 50+pips every single day, or an average over the year of 50+pips, what's the worst drawdown (%win/%loss help give you an idea of that), etc... It helps define your system to the guys on this forum, bit it of interest to you or not...

look, don't worry about it...
SO are you saying that 50 + pips per day isn't good enough, when someone earlier in this thread said to make 20 pips a day was difficult?

Even the best traders have a lot to learn, so I'm not alone.

A further thought. An automated system has no fear, greed, worry. To an automated sytem it wouldn't matter, one iota. Surely, the only way to trade is to be very disciplined and unemotional. More or less, just like an automated system?

here's mine as an example:
Total Trades 49
Wins 21 42.9%
Losses 28 57.1%
Average Win 10.20%
Average Loss -5.83%
Biggest Win 28.09
Biggest Loss -21.14
Av. Win/Loss 1.75
Profit/Trade 1.04%
Profit Factor 1.31
Leonarda: Dogs and bones come to mind. Today 6 trades so far.
5 wins, 1 loss. 83.33%
Highest win 86,
lowest win 3,
loss 16.
+ 161 pips gained in total.

and that's as much as I'm prepared to write down.
Leonarda: Dogs and bones come to mind. Today 6 trades so far.
5 wins, 1 loss. 83.33%
Highest win 86,
lowest win 3,
loss 16.
+ 161 pips gained in total.

and that's as much as I'm prepared to write down.

woof woof !!
You've won me over Trader Q. You've clearly cracked this trading lark, congratulations.

(Is this what you want us to say?)