Why i think most traders fail? Change your ways. Now.

This could be sorted out if admin just delete accounts logging on from same IP

It would be better to have the user name say who they were beforehand. I agree with Candles in that I just don't know who anyone is or was any more.

Also banning a certain IP address doesn't work in my view as most people are on dynamic ISP which can and does change the IP address. All I have to do to change my IP is to turn off my modem and turn it on again. Also before any tells me that T2W have other ways of knowing who may have had a previous IP address I will say that it is very easy to mask this with only a bit of knowledge.

Forums don't get your dynamic ISP they get your IP from ISP end but I think thats overkill. I meant deleted accounts that use from the individ IP that the ISP hold. Only one account per household then.
Best advice ever...
I´ve been trading for a while now. Started 2008 following advice from such as cnbc and lost a lot. But the last 6-8 monts I´ve been trading the es using mostly times and sales, the tick and nyad. Here´s the thing: Every time I do a trade using set ups like a doji on the pivot confirmed by some indicator it dont work. My diary is full of bad trades with notes like bollinger=don´t work, rsi=sucks and so on. And on one page my conclusion. just random positioning according to my feeling from tick, ad and times and sales better than trying to analyze... i never knew why this is...
thanx for your insights...
Forums don't get your dynamic ISP they get your IP from ISP end but I think thats overkill. I meant deleted accounts that use from the individ IP that the ISP hold. Only one account per household then.

I don't understand what you mean by this ? Unless you pay for a static IP address then it can (and often in my case) does change. It may say that the company I am with is the same but the actual address does vary as does the stated location.

I don't understand what you mean by this ? Unless you pay for a static IP address then it can (and often in my case) does change. It may say that the company I am with is the same but the actual address does vary as does the stated location.


Theres an IP that your ISP holds. You think they wouldn't keep tabs on who's who with all these paedo's around lol.

Great first post.

There are many ways to skin a cat,the skills are one way to trade.There are other wayS to make money trading.

4 months to become profitable is possible, more like 4 years for most new traders

If there is a police requirement for finding out an which customer of an ISP an IP address has come from then of course it can be done by contacting the ISP but that is not what I was referring to. I have a number of online business activities where I track visits to my sites based on IP address. As part of this I do not want my own visits to be tracked and to do this I exclude my IP address from being counted. That is until my ISP changes my address again which happens quite a lot and then I have to add another IP address to be excluded from being tracked. My ISP will even have me located in different parts of the country from London to Manchester, Leeds etc.

So IP addresses do change and if I want to I can change mine within two minutes and there is no general way that you would know that I have visited a site by IP tracking if I don't want you to. There are other ways to track but it is quite easy to get around this as well.

I think that statement is a lie 🙂


All Cretans are liars.

Traders always tell the truth?

Everything on this forum is pure gold wrapped in a thick crust of merdiocrity?

Plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme chose: YAWNS then falls asleep at desk