All of you in here who are trying to stimulate me into tit for tat argument at your level do not realise your own stupidity, which is staring you in the face.
You lead yourselves to think all of this is capable of upsetting me. I assure you it is not.
You provide entertainment in an otherwise relentless, sometimes boring profession.
Also I allow you to reveal to me and others who are reading this to assess the absolute encrusted extent of your collective and individual stupidity.
All of you in here are doomed, nobody dooms you, but because you doom yourselves.
Instead of tryng indicators, and moving averages, and signals and ratios, and other rubbish you ought to be working to improve yourselves instead of making yourselves look stupid.
You do not realise all of this is not about money. It is about getting it consistently right. This is also a reason why people like you lose money in the market.
Additionally all of this is about brain power, of which obviously you have none or at least very little.
It is brain power that allows the trader to be consistently right and not the motivation of making money, that is an added bonus but not the main focal point of the excercise.
The main focal point of the excercise is to overcome and succeed, and then to fully master, and then to perfect and then to absolutely and unquestionly master in totality, regardless of what instrument it is, or which market, or under which circumstances and in whatever size.
All of you are annoyed because you do not get it consistently right. This annoyance at not getting it consistently right is what stimulates you to behave the way you do, it is obvious to me as it is to others.
Very funny it is. Ha Ha Ha.