Why do people lose money on the market?

bizzarrdi said:
Now thats ironic, it is you with the EGO socrates, it pervades evrything you say. You are now'dumping from a great height', in previous posts you have been a 'fully armed buclear submarine' You sound a bit like Walter Mitty!

You personalise your attacks on me (fat/intellectual pygmy), even without knowing me. This is a very bad trait for a trader (assuming you are a trader), but is probably not a bad trait for a coach/trainer (which you are).

Why don't you give a straight answer to the very straight questions I have asked you?
You again ?

I don't have to know you. In fact I prefer not to know you personally.

All I have to do is to read what you post and then I know exactly where in the intellectual pecking order you are. It iis that simple.

It is obvious, at least it is obvious to me if to no one else.😆
You again ?

I don't have to know you. In fact I prefer not to know you personally.

All I have to do is to read what you post and then I know exactly where in the intellectual pecking order you are. It iis that simple.

It is obvious, at least it is obvious to me if to no one else.😆

Why don't you answer the questions?

There must be a reason. There is always a reason why someone refuses to a answer a very straight question.

To my mind, a sign of someone who truly has mastered their brief is that they can explain their brief very cleary - you cannot. You have over 3000k posts here that in totality talk truisms but offer little insight or indeed intellectual rigour. They are full of contradictions, the biggest of course being that between their approach as laid out, and the fuming vitriol you spume continually. I think you need the medication

So, what happened to your request to cancel all your posts?
Why did did you say you were leaving this site for good, and then change your mind (and yr profile)?
It is not trash but it does hit you hard where you can least sustain it, at the very centre of your own EGO.

Forget the rest of it, which is the usual, expected, diatribe. If I had not expected it I would not have written my post.

Your trash does not hit me anywhere, it just irritates, which is why I protested.
this is rapidly becoming the most amusing thread on this site..

and to think i nearly abandoned such comedy in favour of seriousness elsewhere...

FetteredChinos said:
this is rapidly becoming the most amusing thread on this site..

and to think i nearly abandoned such comedy in favour of seriousness elsewhere...


I agree.

This thread contains the highest level of intellectual debate mixed with a humour of such standard that it is worthy of its own shown on channel 4.

If this thread were personified I think it would be worthy of being a contestent in the jungle tonight observing (from a safe distance) the eyes of David Gest 😱
FetteredChinos said:
this is rapidly becoming the most amusing thread on this site..

and to think i nearly abandoned such comedy in favour of seriousness elsewhere...


I was hoping to find out why Socrates loses money in the markets. 😆
this thread started out as an interesting topic and for the most part has brought forth some good thought provoking posts but now it would seem its developing into one of Soc's meaningless long diatribe.

Quite simply it is a waste of time asking Soc to prove his trading or ideed back up any of his statements he lives in a dream world
Splitlink said:
It is not trash but it does hit you hard where you can least sustain it, at the very centre of your own EGO.

Forget the rest of it, which is the usual, expected, diatribe. If I had not expected it I would not have written my post.

Your trash does not hit me anywhere, it just irritates, which is why I protested.
Yes, it is an affront to your EGO, that is what it is.

Now sit down quietly and inwardly reflect really deeply and you will percieve that I am alarmingly right.

I am sincerely not telling you this to put you down, i am being truly, sincerely constructively helpful to you.
Splitlink said:
I was hoping to find out why Socrates loses money in the markets. 😆
😆 All your hopes are in vain.

I suggest you deeply and meaningully reflect as advised.

That ought to be your only priority, off you go.
dc2000 said:
this thread started out as an interesting topic and for the most part has brought forth some good thought provoking posts but now it would seem its developing into one of Soc's meaningless long diatribe.

Quite simply it is a waste of time asking Soc to prove his trading or ideed back up any of his statements he lives in a dream world
You would not recognise what is truly thought provoking if you were so to speak, hit with a mallet on the head, I would venture to say.😆🙄

As for you being privy to anything else that is altogether another matter. 🙄😆
in2uxs said:
I agree.

This thread contains the highest level of intellectual debate mixed with a humour of such standard that it is worthy of its own shown on channel 4.

If this thread were personified I think it would be worthy of being a contestent in the jungle tonight observing (from a safe distance) the eyes of David Gest 😱
I am very pleased you like it. I am enjoying myself immensely too.😆 ..Marvellous it is.
still dodging issues soc....? Answer the questions I've already put to you.

So far we have ascertained that you lost huge whilst learning. But another question I have is, did you ever learn? Or did you decide, during your epiphany, that teaching was the best route for those that 'cannot do'?
in2uxs said:
I agree.

This thread contains the highest level of intellectual debate mixed with a humour of such standard that it is worthy of its own shown on channel 4.

If this thread were personified I think it would be worthy of being a contestent in the jungle tonight observing (from a safe distance) the eyes of David Gest 😱

As long as you can observe his eyes you are indeed probably safe
there was a post on these boards from someone who knows Soc, he described Soc as a hanger on someone who would mingle in the hope that he would be thought of as a person in the industry

cant remember the name but Tom Williams seems to ring a bell
dc2000 said:
there was a post on these boards from someone who knows Soc, he described Soc as a hanger on someone who would mingle in the hope that he would be thought of as a person in the industry

cant remember the name but Tom Williams seems to ring a bell

Ha Ha Ha Hilarious !
bizzarrdi said:
still dodging issues soc....? Answer the questions I've already put to you.

So far we have ascertained that you lost huge whilst learning. But another question I have is, did you ever learn? Or did you decide, during your epiphany, that teaching was the best route for those that 'cannot do'?
I am not dodging any issues. i have explained to you very clearly. I am not going to repeat it yet again. You are getting to be very tedious and boring. It is not my fault that you do not understand what I explain, it is yours.🙄
Splitlink said:
I'm afraid it is, poor man, it is.

Now have you gone and done what I suggested you should do for your own benefit ?

I bet you haven't.

Go back and try it, be brave and do it.

You will surprise yourself if you are able to do it properly.
I have to go now, the afternoon session beckons.:cheesy: