Who uses Bloomberg professional?

Is your Reuters delivered as a full free standing desktop app.?

It is Reuters 3000xtra and is web based. Only download required is citrix server. We are all going onto this now as it makes life a lot easier when you want to work from different locations or on different PC's. Has everything the desktop version has and definitely worth the change.

Re: Blackberry, I do not have one of these, but reason i changed from CQG to esignal, apart from considerable saving, was the ability with esignal to access quotes and charts from a mobile device, it is great when out for lunch or dinner.

I also recently found a functionality in TS that sends out an SMS message when an automated system gets a signal. It shows product , lottage and level. Now that is great!

Baruch - I am not sure, possibly price and information that you can access.
If you trade fx it is amazing how even now the markt might only react when the story comes out on reuters rather than market news or bloomberg.

Baruch - the answer is functionality. If you purely want reuters to see the headlines and figures as they come out then trader will do you fine. It is a few hundred pounds a month cheaper. When it was first launched it was pretty unstable but believe Reuters have not sorted out the glitches. Speak to a reuters rep though - they will be able to explain the differecnes far better and also give you a free trial.
How much for terminal?

Baruch said:

just wondering how much a terminal in the UK costs per month approx including say exchange fees for LSE. Can you trade through the terminal? Is there any extra costs per trade?
bosra said:
Thx Baruch..I have signed up for that...Do you know about the bloomberg terminal? Can you trade through it? Are there variable costs like as per order you execute? What is the set cost for the bloomberg terminal per month?


Iirc, BBG starts from $1000 pcm + data feeds and trading can only be done by the larger institutions.
from what i have seen the bbg trade platform looks real bad when compared to tt or something like that. it is very very basic indeed. when i asked the rep about costs, all he did was draw in a deep breath through his teeth and said 'very very expensive'. well that tells me a lot! i kicked him out.

if a rep cant be straight with me and avoids answering questions, he either doesnt know, or the product is not good value. either way, show 'em the door. times too short.
gj - agree 100%, but even though i thought the functionality very basic (in terms of execution facilities) and definitely geared towards the buy side (not that many people here could call them selves sell side anyway!!), its still a pile of crap.

also - i believe you have to use their 3rd party clearing/brokerage facilities (bank of ny i think). again, thats more restrictive to how an operation wants to run their business.

sure the analytics are good - but id rather go to reuters just out of principal.

i just dont get why people would want bbg in the first place. from my understanding, its a totally closed system, and if you wanted to integrate it with other software, youre screwed. thomson on the other hand let you integrate anything with anything. dont know about reuters, but i would have thought its possible as thats what people want.

what do i do if i want to build a model based on analytics? i can either go to bbg and buy their model, based on their feeds, analysis & news, OR i can buy xyz data feed, pqr news wire, abc analysis, and build the model myself, or buy one off the shelf from reuters/someone else etc. i end up with something totally unique to me, not something 50% of the street is using - reason why markets just zoom off these days without any trend - everyones on the same models - corporate mentality of buying what everyone else buys and what they are familiar with cos they dont want to take any risk and seem out of the corporate fold.

rant over.

sorry, i just hate bloomberg: their 18 year old reps, their closed technology, their silly office/nightclub, their founder who sacked someone for playing pc chess on his lunch hour, etc. the only thing good about that company was the receptionist when i went in there last - but she was probably a temp!
yep - but thats probably true of most software products - xl, word, x-trader, outlook, reuters3000, whatever: only 20% of the functionality is ever used. but one persons 20% may only include 3% of someone elses 20% if you can see that in a venn diagram (12 year old maths here 🙂 )
no never!

i will not rest until that company is out of business.

did i ever tell you about the time when.............................😀
Does any here listen to Bloomberg Radio? I wonder how fast they report major eco news like GDP, NFP etc.?
Baruch said:
Does any here listen to Bloomberg Radio? I wonder how fast they report major eco news like GDP, NFP etc.?

Now I can answer myself: You cant use Bloomberg Radio for news. They are to slow, and sometimes they have commercials, when the major news are coming out.
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GammaJammer said:
LOL mate - top ranting son! The only thing I would say is that in terms of models, you can have live DDE links to Excel these days, so I'm thinking that that may be where they address that issue.

The live link is a piece of ****. It's always stalling on me. I mainly use it for trading index futures and equities. And the prices don't always start moving in the morning unless I reset it all. As you can imagine, this is very dangerous!

I've heard the Reuters PowerPlus Pro is better, but it'll cost a bit to get it connected to all the exchanges I required. However, I do like using Reuters for its charting capabilities, from which I base about 99% of my trading decisions.
I am looking for a good backtesting charting software for forex. Is reuters any good? Does it have tick data as I wish to backtest gbpusd data since 1990s and 1980s.
zozo said:
I am looking for a good backtesting charting software for forex. Is reuters any good? Does it have tick data as I wish to backtest gbpusd data since 1990s and 1980s.

It'll be of no use to you whatsoever. It is not a stratagy trading tool, it has no "backtesting" functionality at all. By definaition there is no central source of tick data for fx as it is an OTC market
A Dashing Blade said:
It'll be of no use to you whatsoever. It is not a stratagy trading tool, it has no "backtesting" functionality at all. By definaition there is no central source of tick data for fx as it is an OTC market

Hi Dashing Blade,

you were use to me, thanks. Atleast you have told me about bloomberg not having backtesting functionality.

I know there is metatrader which is free but their backtesting is not clear at all and not accurate. It has many flaws.

Do you know of any other charting platform that has good backtesting system charts? I would like to test system since 1980s onwards.

So you mention, no tick data, but is there anything with hourly data where I can test my system that would need to be coded on a backtested charting software?

thank you everyone
zozo said:
Do you know of any other charting platform that has good backtesting system charts? I would like to test system since 1980s onwards.

I have eSignal at home which can certainly do it, Ninja Trader is free to download (iirc) and may be able to do it.

zozo said:
So you mention, no tick data, but is there anything with hourly data where I can test my system that would need to be coded on a backtested charting software?

At hourly granularity, most data sources, even the free ones, would, at a guess, suffice. Not sure where to get the free data tho'.

Sorry I can't be more help.