who on here actually makes money trading?

I believe you're the genuine article. An actual idiot. Shame you're not entertaining in the process.
I know nothing about golfing. But I doubt he wastes his time teaching kids. Understandably, the business would be in his name. If he doesn't concentrate on what he's doing, he won't be number 1 for long.

oh you are a cynic, BJ - last year two of my juniors (i'm the junior organiser at our golf club) went along and they've got the photos with LW to prove it.

It's probably more to do with your cynicism about what could possibly motivate a good trader to do any training/coaching. Not everyone is as single minded in their pursuit of money as you seem to be suggesting - particularly if they've made a good pile of it 🙂.

The formula for success is remarkably simple. There's a direct correlation between the amount of energy you can/wish to put in and the level of success. The success declines the moment you reduce the input. This is a universal truth applicable to golfing as well as everything else. This is how one can tell trainers suck in trading, or mediocre at best.

I am not a cynic. I am a student of universal formulas.
In the context of trading once you know what you're doing it takes pretty much no energy. Depending on how you trade you could have long periods of free time, which you may or may not decide to use to teach. Your enormous intellect has somehow deduced to mean that shoudl someone teach such a person must automatically be mediocre at what they do.

edit: again, classic nub idea that trading takes active work whereas in practice once you know what you're doing often the more passive you become the better
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Emm sorry BJ that statement may not be technically true with trading. I have come across people that work their butt of, but are still poor traders, not sure anyone has found the formula to will Mr Market yet.
I seriously question the motivation of people who claim to be able to trade but prefer to teach instead. If the motivation is pure altruism, then they should make the money and hand it out to people for free. It creates considerable hardship for the vast majority of people who take the training and fail miserably. One can only conclude the trainers are either sadistic or can't trade at all. Any supposed altruism is just BS.

BJ, you are generalising. I cannot believe that all teachers are as you say. Having said that, though, I do agree that lots of teachers are in it because they are no good as traders, themselves.

At the same time, I think that an excellent teacher can teach until the cows come home but, unless the student is exactly on the same wave length, that student will not become a successful trader, himself. That student, in turn, will not have a good word to say about treachers. So it goes on.
Emm sorry BJ that statement may not be technically true with trading. I have come across people that work their butt of, but are still poor traders, not sure anyone has found the formula to will Mr Market yet.

Here's another universal formula for you then. Success is directly a consequence of failure. If you know every possible ways to fail and avoid them, then you can't help but to becoming successful. So I am not convinced you know people working their butts off at failing. If you look at them closely, you are likely to find them too lazy.
whoa whoa whoa a balanced viewpoint

obviously joe has no concept of what a distribution is

yet wants to be a trader

this should be fun

talking about wasting time im not going to play a demo contest when i have a real account to trade
trading is about ideas and understanding, not 'work'. It requires an intensity of thought not effort.

Clearly your thoughts take no effort. You should apply for the position of the next einstein. I am certain you will succeed.
but srsly your problem is that your thinking is rigid as are your ideas and the market will rape you

and I will cheer it on

if it buttseckses the arrogance out of you you may learn, chances are you wont
I think BJ has hit a nerve with this subject. Care to disclose your experience which has caused you to believe such nonsense
The formula for success is remarkably simple. There's a direct correlation between the amount of energy you can/wish to put in and the level of success. The success declines the moment you reduce the input. This is a universal truth applicable to golfing as well as everything else. This is how one can tell trainers suck in trading, or mediocre at best.

I am not a cynic. I am a student of universal formulas.
Christ, what a total tool.

“Direct correlation between effort and success”. Genuine LOL.

You then apply this “Universal Truth” to Golf – a subject which you freely confess to knowing nothing about (and I’m beginning to suspect that could be a very long list in your case).

As a student of universal formulas, the first thing you will have noticed is that there is an exception for every rule. The next will have been that there are an inordinate number of exceptions to every rule. And then that the exceptions to the rule are far greater in number than those that define the rule.

I appreciate being a plank doesn’t confer too many advantages on you, but at least have the basic intelligence to realise you are a plank and shut the fluck up.
My assertion remains that trainers can't trade. Those who can, trade.

Hmm...I could understand it if you asked "why would they bother taking on all that grief if they're earning 50-100K a month.." otherwise your statement is silly, it's akin to the "those who can do, those who can't teach" nosense mantra that folk hang onto.

What I would say is that if you haven't traded successfuly it's unlikely that you can teach trading, but that's a subject already done to death..