Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

You have quoted this so many times, a simple search on google for "kinell mate bud" reveals dozens of your posts here on T2W.

Having said that I still have no clue what any of it means :-/

Have you escaped from Rampton? Are you calling me a subterranean multinic fooktard troll?

If I didn't have to go for a swim before having a meeting with some top female decision makers at an SB firm, I'd sort you out son.

You need to get your nut in the game son, get match-hardened, and stop spreading your madness across this suite of forums.

Did you really google 'kinell mate bud'?


Yeah I found some posts dating back to the "wether the vendors should be in vendor section thread" discussion. I guess urban dictionary revealed what kinnel means.

LIving amongst snobbery I would have never guessed... Anyway

I guess now is as good a time as any to unload a very closely held secret about who I am in the online trading world and why I am still here.

I've been involved with trading in general for 10 years and with FX for nearly 8 of those 10 years. I spend the first 2 years getting up to speed on equity options trading strategies before making the move to FX. I started (like many) with a Retail Bucket Shop and later found myself with a Bank offering Retail FX Intermediary services. I developed a custom set of indicators for FX, and later pushed their development into a successful prototype trading system. I used that system to propel me out of Retail Bucket Shop trading platforms, and into two different Institutional trading platforms, where I currently conduct all production trading to this day.

When I have the time, I do what I can to help New Traders avoid some of the common mistakes that befall many people just starting out in the Retail FX Trading business. I like New Traders because I remember what it was like being one myself and I recall how precious few people were around to help me learn the ropes and to help me develop an Edge, which is absolutely necessary in trading for long-term success and consistent profitability. But, that is not the secret - that's just the background.

The secret that nobody knew until now, is that over the years I have been quietly developing a small force of Traders, known in private as StealthTraders. Before one became a StealthTrader, I personally taught them:

- How to develop your own technical market theories

- How to develop your own custom technical indicators
- Creating the Indicator Development Lifecycle
- Creating the Trading System Development Lifecycle
- How to use multiple test accounts properly
- How to back-test a trading system properly
- How to evaluate Retail Forex Brokers for Production Trading Accounts
- How to develop a Revenue Model based Money Management System
- How to trade with Timing, Direction, Magnitude and Probability
- How to trade with Accuracy to a specified target per fixed unit of Time
- How to develop rock solid Trader Psychology
- How to avoid Emotional depletion and Physiological stress
- How to finally develop a genuine Traders Mindset

I enter the online trading community jungle once per year (sometimes more, it depends on my schedule) and I hunt for one (1) candidate to train. I approach that one (1) individual each year and only once each year, and I deliver all of the above without charge, without request for payment, without an accounts receivable being generated, without a bill at the end, and without any requirements other than the following:

1) The individual MUST have
demonstrated fundamental common sense.
2) The individual MUST have
demonstrated integrity.
3) The individual MUST have
demonstrated the ability to be willing to think outside the box.
4) The individual MUST enjoy working hard.

5) The individual MUST enjoy working smarter even more than working hard.

6) The individual MUST have high EQ (extremely important to trading).

7) The individual MUST have a sincere desire to help others.

8) The individual MUST be committed to three (3) months of training without distractions of any kind, whatsoever.

9) The individual MUST be in possession of the will to succeed.

10) The individual MUST be willing to adopt the personal attitude and belief that Failure Is Not An Option.

With those ten (10) personal traits in mind, I journey into the online trading community wilderness, endure great hardship from committed Trolls and Bucket Shop Broker Paid Shills, and I search the trading rooms, forums and boards to find my Protege, where I work one-on-one with the selected individual in an attempt to bring them up to speed on things they can't possibly know that early in their trading career - and that would take them years to learn on their own otherwise.

Once the Protege finishing training, they are tasked with opening a trading account and funding it with $2,500. They are then given 44 days to turn that $2,500 into $15,000+ min., as a demonstration of their preparedness. Once they achieve that goal, they are then designated as a StealthTrader, and given their unique StealthTrader ID#, such that no matter where I go on the internet, I will be able to identify their posts.

They then have but one (1) obligation to fulfill to me personally.

They must go out into the world and hunt for a Protege of their own to train. They must guarantee to me that they will train at least one Protege before they end their career as a Trader.

To date, there are a total six (6) SteathTraders in the world as we know it:

- StealthTrader 1

- StealthTraer 2
- SealthTrader 3
- StealthTrader 4
- StealthTrader 5

I am the original StealthTrader.

It is my understanding that StealthTrader 6 and StealthTrader 7, are not far from receiving their designations. No Protege to date has failed to receive their designation.

Once a Protege becomes a StealthTrader, they are introduced to the ultimate StealthTrading concept, Collaborative Trading. Collaborative Trading is voluntary among all StealthTraders, but none have refused to engage when called upon.

Collaborative Trading involves the use of StealthIndicators and StealthSystems of various kinds as developed by the individual StealthTrader himself, or herself, where various positions are taken within the market according to the responsibility that each StealthTrader has within the StealthTrade Profile. We have a special joint trading account designated for Collaborative Trading, as well as our own individual trading accounts.

Masters of the Universe? No. A Masters in StealthTrading? Yes.

In 2012, I did not find my Protege. I had until July, and did not come across all of the personal traits that was in search of. This was the first time in years since beginning my annual search that I failed in the hunt. Hopefully, 2013, will be a more successful hunt.

What's the point?

It is very simple. The goal of being a profitable StealthTrader, is to produce another profitable StealthTrader.

thanks, but no thanks.

please dont bother pm'ing me or anything as im not interested.

besides, you come across as a wierdo.
Thank you for a very interesting post.

I think that I might have the qualities you are looking for, but I'm not sure about this one:

"6) The individual MUST have high EQ (extremely important to trading)."

What does "high EQ" mean?

Emotional Quotient.

I have discovered over the years that having merely a high IQ, is not enough in the vast majority of cases where people have to come face-to-face with the realities of managing their own cash as a Trader. I have discovered that having a good degree of "Emotional Quotient" is often times far more important to the long-term success (and/or failure) of the Trader.
Cant one of the Stealth traders shag a Turtle and if Darwin is correct we will have a perfect genetically modified trader:)
If you can watch Bambi and not cry when the mother dies your EQ is high :cheesy:

This is not far from the truth.

However, High Trader EQ does not mean that you have to be heartless towards Bambi, or the Mother. Go ahead and cry, most real human beings did. That's a good thing.

But.... when it comes to Manual Trading, if you can't compartmentalize your emotions, keep them under control, in check, in their proper place, and not allow them to dominant and infiltrate your thought process, then you are heading down the road towards the Emotional Death Spiral. This is the place where Emotions become too co-mingled with Intellect and the ability to discern right from wrong, and the ability to make good decisions becomes compromised. You are no longer a Trader at that point. At that point, you become a desperate Gambler displaying addictive attributes (even if you are not yet so addicted).

So, give Bambi, her just due and remain human at all times. But, one has to become Machine-like when engaged in Manual Trading. There's no time for crying when you are 47 pips down on the day and you still have a target of 35+ net pips. You have to knuckle down, continue to follow your designed plan, recover your 47 lost pips and then push forward to collecting your 35+ by the end of the day.

Its a form of warfare and there is no time to cry during a war.

Being "Combat Ready" in your mind is important and knowing how to prepare your mind for such "Financial Combat" comes with a huge premium. This is also why taking regular, planned vacations away from the business is also very important. Time spent with Family, doing other things is highly important. Getting far away from the "Combat Zone" is hugely important. Having a hobby to engage, or something else you love to do, becomes massively important.

You can't fight a war 24/7. Not physically, nor inside your Mind.
Its a form of warfare and there is no time to cry during a war.

Being "Combat Ready" in your mind is important and knowing how to prepare your mind for such "Financial Combat" comes with a huge premium.

I am combat ready:

Oh. In that case you'd better count me out. I cried at the end of Titanic for f uck's sake, never mind Bambi.

I had a tear at the end of Titanic - many people did that night in the theatre.

Real Men cry - when it is appropriate. But, when it is not appropriate, then it is not appropriate. There are other times when one needs to remain focused, calm and in control of their own output, so the job can get done - whatever job that happens to be.

Bambi, Titanic... that's all fair game and an appropriate time to be human. Acting like a human is not always a good thing when engaged in Manual Trading.

Being a relentless Machine (while engaged in Manual Trading) with the ability to think like a human being, would be optimal.
How many stealth traders do you have? I can't see any of them.
I heard NORAD was tracking 2 inbound stealth traders until they flew under the radar.

How many stealth traders do you have? I can't see any of them.
I heard NORAD was tracking 2 inbound stealth traders until they flew under the radar.


Under the radar you say? Kinell, I hope they managed to grab some pips ffs.
I had a tear at the end of Titanic - many people did that night in the theatre.

The problem with that is Titanic is one of the worst films ever made. It's difficult to say what the worst thing about it was, but the acting just about wins the prize. Dreadful beyond describing.

That's purely from an artistic point of view. It's even worse when one considers the awful historical errors that the execrable thing is littered with.
Does the protege have to deposit their $2500 withe Divisa Capital?

The Protege could start-up his/her own FCM and deposit their funds with themselves, for all I care.

I don't care where the Protege opens an account, or even if the Protege decides to open an account. By the time they are through initial training, they will know what a Bucket Shop looks like, how to avoid them, why to avoid them and how to get established with a Non-Bucket Shop Retail FX Intermediary - of which there are precious few in existence.

Just that recently you have been proclaiming them as one of only 2 reputable brokers available to the retail trader.

That would not be correct. I've not just recently declared that DCFX is a superior Retail FX Intermediary. I've been doing that ever since I learned of their existence and I posted about on this forum more than 2 years ago. So, my posts about both DCFX and FXCM goes back quite a ways.

However they are not regulated in the uk (based in NZ) and after having done my research I am still left wondering.........

That's also incorrect and it has been incorrectly stated on this forum more than once.

DCFX, follows the law within the country where they do business - period. I won't do that homework for you - I'll let you learn about DCFX on your own, including HOW they are "Regulated" in New Zealand, and more importantly, HOW New Zealand Brokers are treated as Public Facing Financial Intermediaries.

They follow every rule, law, procedure and protocol to the letter. That much could have been researched with a simple browser and a search engine. For more information on how New Zealand, handles "Brokers," run a search on T2W on TraderNumber7 AND New Zealand AND DCFX. That might help.
Was also a bit speculative on $15k in 44 days from $2.5k to qualify, bit of a far reach for newbies huh?

Sure it is - when you trade like the 99% of all New Retail Traders in FX. Go to an FXCM "Seminar," pluck a few 50+ year old technical indicators from off the shelf of public awareness, draw a couple of "trend lines" on a chart, open an account with a Bucket Shop like FXCM and then proceed to get yourself Whipsawed half to death because the indicators and "fundamental news" that you were taught to trade with, is so far behind the power-curve that its laughable.

So, I agree 100%. Moving 2.5 to 15 in 44, does seem like a daunting challenge for the Nube that way.

However, no Protege of ours trades like that. Nor, will they ever trade like that. No StealthTrader trades that way - by literal definition.
What happens to them if they only make it to 14,900 in 45 days - do they mysteriously disappear?

Yes. We disappear them.... very mysteriously by the way. :cool:

The point of the exercise is to demonstrate competence as a StealthTrader.

Since a StealthTrader does not fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to growing capital, the goal of 2.5 to 14 in 44 is easily reached. Why 2.5? Why 14? Why 44? These numbers a pulled from a Revenue Model, not from thin air. They are calculate Revenue Model numbers that were picked for a very good reason known only to StealthTraders, and Protege's.

We wake-up the Traders mind to a different way of doing things. One that far exceeds the average Retail Trader's expectations.

We don't just show them how to trade, we show them how grow capital. There's a huge difference between the two. Any trained Monkey can learn to click a mouse and enter into a position. Any trained Rat can learn to enter a position when the current Close exceeds the previous High. But, on a well trained Trader can consistently turn those decisions into capital growth over time.

The goal is geometric growth of capital. Anything less than that is sub-par performance.