Who is the worst member on T2W?

Calories out > calories in = Weight loss

I think I learned that in physics.

Anyway, this product is based on research done by Dr. Levine at the Mayo Clinic. You may find his research informative.

I won't argue with you. If the subject interests you, however, I would strongly recommend reading his two books, especially the longer one, GCGB. When you have read at least one of them, we could then have a sensible discussion (in another thread) around the points raised (all based on research).
I won't argue with you. If the subject interests you, however, I would strongly recommend reading his two books, especially the longer one, GCGB. When you have read at least one of them, we could then have a sensible discussion (in another thread) around the points raised (all based on research).

Hmmm. This is the only one I'm familiar with.
Howard, have you not considered one reason for that is because the obese are sitting indoors all day while the non obese are out doing risky physical activities? And smokers tend to be thinner as well, which in fact is probably enough to explain it on its own.
It you want you can teach me some half century old medicine as your software consulting obviously means you have a qualified opinion. Have there been any advances in medicine since the days you were installing their dot matrix printers?
Howard, have you not considered one reason for that is because the obese are sitting indoors all day while the non obese are out doing risky physical activities? And smokers tend to be thinner as well, which in fact is probably enough to explain it on its own.

That's an interesting take. I had not thought of it in those terms, nor do I recall the factors that were accounted for. I'll keep my eyes open to this topic because I am making decisions based on what I described.
It you want you can teach me some half century old medicine as your software consulting obviously means you have a qualified opinion. Have there been any advances in medicine since the days you were installing their dot matrix printers?

Some theories are centuries old and remain unimproved. If you have evidence contrary to the theory I presented, feel free to cite them so we can discuss something substantive. Some of us are actually interested in improving our mind. 😉
More half baked ideas of what's actually occurring from you again then, Howard.

When I did my *ahem* NVQ in sports and fitness training many moons ago one of the things we learned is that medical professionals take fat measurements (thickness of a pinch of skin) from various areas along with BMI otherwise it's meaningless.

When used properly as part of a real medical check performed y a professional, BMI is not fraudulent or misleading at all, it;s just that more information is to be considered. Bit like option risk premia really.

Surprised they didn't teach you that in flight school.


What's happening to you Scose? You're getting to be a very witty bugger. 👍
More half baked ideas of what's actually occurring from you again then, Howard.

When I did my *ahem* NVQ in sports and fitness training many moons ago one of the things we learned is that medical professionals take fat measurements (thickness of a pinch of skin) from various areas along with BMI otherwise it's meaningless.

When used properly as part of a real medical check performed y a professional, BMI is not fraudulent or misleading at all, it;s just that more information is to be considered. Bit like option risk premia really.

Surprised they didn't teach you that in flight school.

we've got scales in our house that measure it, my bmi varies between 15-18..not sure how accurate they are though..
I wonder when the last time most adults did exercise that makes them feel physically sick? For me it was Mon evening at circuit training, one hour of mainly old school hard core exercise using your body weight and lots of relay sprints mixed in, same again tonight and then Fri. If you want to lose weight you have to starve yourself and exercise that hard...

But even working flat out like that you don't burn that much calories/fat...perhaps 600 x 3 = 1800? For a fatty that's only one extra meal a week and the sly ones amongst the freak show probably sneak an extra 1800 in every day gorging at Greggs..So chugging along on Howie's thing aint gonna shift much weight...

Anyway, how are folk talking about Howard on the most hated thread, he's a good all round egg..🙂

hidden footage of Black Swan waiting for the bus home after circuit training
(turn the volume up its very low sound)

scouse i thought it was funny.

Howard were you bullied at school?


Surely there are no bullies at flight school! You can learn a lot there you know.

I'm thinking about writing a book:

"Everything I know about fisting I learnt at flight school"
hidden footage of Black Swan waiting for the bus home after circuit training
(turn the volume up its very low sound)


Surely there are no bullies at flight school! You can learn a lot there you know.

I'm thinking about writing a book:

"Everything I know about fisting I learnt at flight school"

new signature for me i think 🙂
have you not considered one reason for that is because the obese are sitting indoors all day while the non obese are out doing risky physical activities? And smokers tend to be thinner as well, which in fact is probably enough to explain it on its own.

This is an over exaggeration in my view. I see plenty of obese people out and about a lot of the time and some a very active but they like to eat a lot as well.

With regards to BMI as a measurement for obesity, it is too general and does not factor in those with high levels of muscularity often seen in those with athletic physiques. A much better measurement is simply waistline size.

well, i have a bit of a pot belly and im and 34 inch (post belly) (32 inch pre belly) in levi 501s. im 5' 11" high.

am i obese?