Who is the worst member on T2W?

Calories out > calories in = Weight loss

I think I learned that in physics.

Anyway, this product is based on research done by Dr. Levine at the Mayo Clinic. You may find his research informative.

The problem is, calories "out" is partially a function of calories in, if you see what I mean.

Although that doesn't change the fact it's 90% true, and no reason all but the very ill can't lose weight...
Try trading with very high leverage. You'll sweat and sh1t calories all day long.

The problem is, calories "out" is partially a function of calories in, if you see what I mean.

Although that doesn't change the fact it's 90% true, and no reason all but the very ill can't lose weight...

The BMI, which some US politicians want to make a target for reward/punishment of those insured by government insurance, is misleading at best, perhaps fraudulent, or worse yet, part of the death-panel strategy. The statistics are that the life expectancy for those in the obese range (as opposed to morbidly obese) live longer and IIRC with a better quality of life, than those in the "good" range.

The theory is that as we age the control systems in our body lose precision and response time. Therefore we need more reserves to sustain life under those conditions.
Exercise is good for all sorts of reasons, but has very little to do with losing weight, at least according to Gary Taubes:


I wonder when the last time most adults did exercise that makes them feel physically sick? For me it was Mon evening at circuit training, one hour of mainly old school hard core exercise using your body weight and lots of relay sprints mixed in, same again tonight and then Fri. If you want to lose weight you have to starve yourself and exercise that hard...

But even working flat out like that you don't burn that much calories/fat...perhaps 600 x 3 = 1800? For a fatty that's only one extra meal a week and the sly ones amongst the freak show probably sneak an extra 1800 in every day gorging at Greggs..So chugging along on Howie's thing aint gonna shift much weight...

Anyway, how are folk talking about Howard on the most hated thread, he's a good all round egg..🙂
Try trading with very high leverage. You'll sweat and sh1t calories all day long.


or lose it all so you cant afford to eat, then you turn to Diamond White or Scrumpy Jacks for a crutch and end up six stone and on the streets...What a diet plan!! "Lose weight now, start trading..."
The BMI, which some US politicians want to make a target for reward/punishment of those insured by government insurance, is misleading at best, perhaps fraudulent, or worse yet, part of the death-panel strategy. The statistics are that the life expectancy for those in the obese range (as opposed to morbidly obese) live longer and IIRC with a better quality of life, than those in the "good" range.

The theory is that as we age the control systems in our body lose precision and response time. Therefore we need more reserves to sustain life under those conditions.

More half baked ideas of what's actually occurring from you again then, Howard.

When I did my *ahem* NVQ in sports and fitness training many moons ago one of the things we learned is that medical professionals take fat measurements (thickness of a pinch of skin) from various areas along with BMI otherwise it's meaningless.

When used properly as part of a real medical check performed y a professional, BMI is not fraudulent or misleading at all, it;s just that more information is to be considered. Bit like option risk premia really.

Surprised they didn't teach you that in flight school.
More half baked ideas of what's actually occurring from you again then, Howard.

When I did my *ahem* NVQ in sports and fitness training many moons ago one of the things we learned is that medical professionals take fat measurements (thickness of a pinch of skin) from various areas along with BMI otherwise it's meaningless.

When used properly as part of a real medical check performed y a professional, BMI is not fraudulent or misleading at all, it;s just that more information is to be considered. Bit like option risk premia really.

Surprised they didn't teach you that in flight school.

I did software consulting in college for a Doctor who was examining these sorts of things. The particular project I worked on was an analysis of Olympic athletes.

I'd readily put up his research against your schooling, even thought it is now 45 years old.

What would you like me to teach you? 😉 That's provided you are educable. Some here question that I am. 😉