Whistleblowers- The Evidence

Ah yes, balderdash indeed by that well respected and responsible (sic) organ The Truth Revolution who are dedicated to the overthrow of “Deep state”. Maybe this from the rather more respected journal science gives a better flavour of the good lady doctor. Science is fully retracting the Report “Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome”. Multiple laboratories, including those of the original authors, have failed to reliably detect xenotropic murine leukemia virus– related virus (XMRV) or other murine leukemia virus (MLV)–related viruses in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. In addition, there is evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments in the Report … Given all of these issues, Science has lost confidence in the Report and the validity of its conclusions … We are therefore editorially retracting the Report. We regret the time and resources that the scientific community has devoted to unsuccessful attempts to replicate these results.

In the US a Covid19 recorded death attracts more money for the doctor/administration signing the death cert. Pretty much a simple supply and demand equation really, More Covid19 deaths = more $$$+++

It's the same with their prison service, more prisoners = more money, so the incentive to reduce prisoners is not there. They will milk Covid deaths for as long as they can.
correct .. the doctors are getting 13k for declaring a patient died with covid-19 and 39k if they died on a ventilator .. 😉 (source .. dr rashid buttar )
Screenshot (1546).png

Looks like the UK is lagging so far?

youtube deleted this man

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"He said, 'We are in deep s--t. The world is. We need to act,'"

He's not a whistleblower

He is re-enforcing the narrative

The narrative is an excuse for forced vax

He's right about us being in 'deep shit' though

You don't need 3 question marks

unless you are trying to insinuate something
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1: Let the insiders brave enough to come forward and speak out have full voice, uninterrupted. If you were one of them, what would you hope the rest of us do?
How do we tell the insiders from the controlled opposition?
And saying anyone who peddles your version of events is the "truth" is not a valid response.

2:An Asian man in a T shirt with a fake/irrelevant medical certificate and a whiteboard is controlled opposition. A 25 yo man dressed as a surgeon sitting in his kitchen, telling you he’s 'never seen lung infections like this' is controlled opposition.

Anyone who repeats the official narrative promoted in the mainstream media is controlled opposition. Anyone who promotes vaccine to fight this virus is controlled oposition. Anyone talking about 5G is controlled opposition. Medical professionals are not qualified to talk about 5G.
A random, unverified forum poster, with possibly no, or faked medical certificates, typing from his kitchen, is also quite possibly the controlled opposition.

3:Genuine whistle blowers will be talking about how real conditions on the ground run counter to good medical practice.
Genuine, how? Only if they exist in your echo chamber?

There has to be some form of objectively measured definition of what constitutes truth, otherwise we are screwed.
Your model is a variant of identity politics, where anyones opinion is as valid anyone elses truth.

There has to be some form of objectively measured definition of what constitutes truth,
Are you getting any nearer to telling truth from lies yet trendie or do you still think you need help?
It was perceptive of you to pick up on a motive behind my use of 3 question marks. It wasn't so much an insinuation; it was rather me poking fun at myself because I already knew, almost word for word, exactly how you would reply.

"He said, 'We are in deep s--t. The world is. We need to act,'"

He's not a whistleblower

He is re-enforcing the narrative

The narrative is an excuse for forced vax

He's right about us being in 'deep shit' though

You don't need 3 question marks

unless you are trying to insinuate something
There has to be some form of objectively measured definition of what constitutes truth,
Are you getting any nearer to telling truth from lies yet trendie or do you still think you need help?
I think I still need help.
Do you anyone who has any real info, as opposed to selective facts?
It was perceptive of you to pick up on a motive behind my use of 3 question marks. It wasn't so much an insinuation; it was rather me poking fun at myself because I already knew, almost word for word, exactly how you would reply.

That'll save us some time then , thanks