Whistleblowers- The Evidence

Compared to the USA, the UK is like the former East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Around 60% people are compliant and will blindly do anything that the government tells them (other than vote to stay in the EU) and will snitch on their neighbours at the drop of a hat, 20% are resistant but will still comply because of the fear that the Stasi will illegally fine them (or their neighbour dobs them in), 20% are resistant and will find ways of avoiding being fined whilst still breaking the rules.

However, we must take into account the honeymoon period (phoney depression) we are currently in, the vast majority are either still working or are receiving 80%+ pay to sit at home on holiday for 3 months with the expectation of a job still being there at the end of it.

What happens when the generous furlough period ends, the job evaporates and there is no free money any longer?

The 60% will rapidly become the 40% then 20%. The honeymoon period ends and all hell begins to break loose. You can't really blame people for being in the 60% at the moment, they are blinded by the whole situation and are relying on govt to get things back to where it was, however, the prospects of that happening are looking slim, how long will faith in the (UK) government last?
As a aside, or slight digression, in view of topic snippets in some of the above recent posts, this gem from the past:

One of the Field Commanders appointed to oversee the German Occupation of The Channel Islands during WW2, reflected in his recollections of the period, that having initially been rather apprehensive of undertaking the task assigned to him, soon found that far from resisting their new occupying overlords, he found it frequently nearly impossible to get any of his pressing work done due to the constant stream of sniveling traitors from the local populace queuing up to see him in order to grovel and seek favour with their new masters and stab their neighbours in the back at every opportunity.

The sheeple are fickle as well as compliant.

I think you guys must be in some sort of competition to see who can come up with the most outrageous balderdash.
I think you guys must be in some sort of competition to see who can come up with the most outrageous balderdash.

It's a struggle I can tell you, but some of us are joining the dots.

Have you watched the Michael Moore film yet on renewables?

It's a struggle I can tell you, but some of us are joining the dots.

Have you watched the Michael Moore film yet on renewables?

Apparently, some of the material used is 10 years old, which begs the question, when is there going to be a follow-up? So the old windmills are on Hawaii (what are they doing now), the dismantled solar farms - what's happened to those investors, did they make money? They didn't put the earth back to how it was before, so what's the plan for that land now, just leave it to go from Pristine deserts to sand dunes?
I think you guys must be in some sort of competition to see who can come up with the most outrageous balderdash.

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Screenshot (1488).png
It's a struggle I can tell you, but some of us are joining the dots.

Have you watched the Michael Moore film yet on renewables' ?

It should really have one of those 'warnings' for innocent unsuspecting planet-huggers at the start, lol.

Contains scenes of Billionaire bashing, Extreme, Graphic Hypocrisy, Obscene depictions of Biomass resources consumption and dispels Ludicrous Fantasies of 'renewable' Energy Generation.
Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised.

Oh Gosh, you mean it actually takes more fossil fuel energy to make a super green solar panel than all the 'free' energy it will ever convert from sunlight over it's lifetime use? LOL. No shit Sherlock, welcome to harsh reality.

Question- How are the global updated new cases (not deaths) compiled?

How are they accurate?

How do they know whether it's flu or covid 19?

If they know who and how many.... then why do we need a test?

People are ill....then they are better...what was broken there that now needs fixing ?

Bearing in mind that there's no cure for a common cold and that the CDC/WHO admit vaccines are only 30% effective at best
Question- How are the global updated new cases (not deaths) compiled?

How are they accurate?

How do they know whether it's flu or covid 19?

If they know who and how many.... then why do we need a test?

People are ill....then they are better...what was broken there that now needs fixing ?

Bearing in mind that there's no cure for a common cold and that the CDC/WHO admit vaccines are only 30% effective at best

Well if the Covid deniers are correct, then the whole of Africa will just pull through without breaking sweat.

However, if the lockdowners are correct then Africa should turn into a double basket case.
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Some more balderdash.

Google likes China..just sayin'

Yes, will be interesting to see which characters get to stay and which won't, which conspiracy theory is favoured over another. They have to be careful to show bias against theories rather than individuals, I mean Icke has been banned in totality, so which of the many theories has he been banned for, lots of others that get to stay have covered many of the same theories.
For Barjon.

Remember 911 the impossible physics and suppression of witness testimony.
Then apply the same scrutiny to our current Covid19 escapade.
It's a long watch and i'm pretty sure you won't bother, but never let it be said that I didn't try.

Some more balderdash.

Ah yes, balderdash indeed by that well respected and responsible (sic) organ The Truth Revolution who are dedicated to the overthrow of “Deep state”. Maybe this from the rather more respected journal science gives a better flavour of the good lady doctor. Science is fully retracting the Report “Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome”. Multiple laboratories, including those of the original authors, have failed to reliably detect xenotropic murine leukemia virus– related virus (XMRV) or other murine leukemia virus (MLV)–related viruses in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. In addition, there is evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments in the Report … Given all of these issues, Science has lost confidence in the Report and the validity of its conclusions … We are therefore editorially retracting the Report. We regret the time and resources that the scientific community has devoted to unsuccessful attempts to replicate these results.
Ah yes, balderdash indeed by that well respected and responsible (sic) organ The Truth Revolution who are dedicated to the overthrow of “Deep state”. Maybe this from the rather more respected journal science gives a better flavour of the good lady doctor. Science is fully retracting the Report “Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome”. Multiple laboratories, including those of the original authors, have failed to reliably detect xenotropic murine leukemia virus– related virus (XMRV) or other murine leukemia virus (MLV)–related viruses in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. In addition, there is evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments in the Report … Given all of these issues, Science has lost confidence in the Report and the validity of its conclusions … We are therefore editorially retracting the Report. We regret the time and resources that the scientific community has devoted to unsuccessful attempts to replicate these results.

But what is the balderdash? The initial take-on by Science ?