Rabbits. You don’t start with one and end up with more than one. You certainly never have 1.618 Rabbits. Well, actually….anyway….
Even if you start with two, they don’t produce offspring at a consistent rate. Some are gay. Some are slothful or shy and some out out-and-out reprobates. On average, there is no average.
There are foxes.
When Foxes within the local area thrive and reproduce strongly using Rabbits as their primary food source, the population of Rabbits declines – they get eaten by the Foxes. Followed a phase-shift later by the population of Foxes who can no longer support their original, numbers on a dwindling primary food source. With the reduction in numbers of their primary predator, the Rabbits once again enjoy a randomly procreative renaissance. Upon which increase in foodstuff, the Foxes once again enjoy the newly abundant Rabbit pie and increase their numbers, ad nausea.
Throw into this mix the greedy farmers who introduce myxamytosis to control (kill) Rabbits and kill Foxes on a random and non-specific basis and you will notice a delightfully irregular, non-Fibonacci graph of the two populations (worryingly similar to that which would be considered random in the financial markets) which are the direct result of human greed and fear (fear in not making as much as they could – i.e. greed).
Quite apart from the fact that most Fibonacci relationships in nature don’t actually exist if you examine all the data and that Fibonacci himself probably didn’t actually exist either (don’t ask me to resurrect THAT post) and you’ll find there isn’t much at all to talk about apart from self-fulfilling expectations.
Of course, all of the above is nothing to do with this thread which has nothing to do with much at all and is all the more fun for it.