Which Trading Software


Hello - first post!

I have been trading for the last 3 weeks with Bitcoin and I use Bitcoin Qt v1.08, along with Bitwisdom for chart analysis.

Surprisingly, I have been doing quite well, turns out I have the knack or at least beginners luck 🙂 I would like to start trading other markets like commodities, futures and other currencies, what ever can make money.

Plus500 and Forex' software doesn’t have market scanners looking for profitable trades, or at least I cannot find the option.

I'm looking for a software that will execute trades and carry out market analysis, scanning for profitable trades etc. I was looking at Tradestation, but the company is based over in the US and I didn’t really want to be send funds over there, also they charge a whack for the software usage.

It seems that most programs on offer are tied to a broker. I would like a program that will link up using API, that way I have option of trading anywhere and I will become familiar with the software layout.

What trading/scanning software would you suggest?

Thanks for reading.

Best Regards,

I looked at tradeguider a while back – looked interesting. Haven’t got around to giving it a go yet though.

I don’t think you can execute with them, I think you just use their signals and buy/sell using another broker (e.g. UK).

Let us know how it goes!