Which Platform?



Im a new starter wishing to trade end of day on UK, US and Asian stocks. I want to be able to backtest strategies on historical data. Can anyone recommend a platform. Im based in the UK. I contacted the Tradestation peole and they told me US stocks only. Esignal look like they only sell you the backtesting part if you buy into the realtime feed package. Is there any platform or package someone can recommend that allows me to back test and trade these markets.

Thanks in advance

MetaTrader4, is one of the best trading platform around the globe. Please go google to find out more about MT4. Hope it helps 🙂 Good Luck in your trading........

Good Bye.
Yes, certainly many people say that metatrader 4 is a comfortable platform for trading but now there is metatrader 5. When I was in e-toro I use its platform and marketiva using streamster. Can you share the platform you know? and even its advantage?
Mt4 is ok but it's nothing to write home about if you're seeking ultimate flexibility. I you are after great charts and drawing tools then neoticker is king. If you after great charts with more advanced features than mt4 and a wide selection of indicators with a programming language, then tradestation and esignal are excellent. I can't speak of ninja trader because I never tried it.

To be honest I was uncompromising with charting years ago. I needed the best. Today I trade with nothing more than line charts and S&R and therefore some of the simplest of platforms suffice. My point is don't fuss over the platform it isn't important.
My point is don't fuss over the platform it isn't important.

Tend to agree.

The more features there are and the more advanced the features, the more likely you are to clutter up your charts with all kinds of useless sh1t.
NinjaTrader is completely free to use for your purposes and you get access to the free EOD service from Kinetick. UK and Asian stocks are not going to be supported with this feed though although, if you are able to source the data from somewhere, you can import it into NinjaTrader.