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FAQ Which Books should a Beginner Read?

Introductions, biographies, and psychology books are good but they dont' give you a profitable method or strategy.

After the basic stuff you need to read books that teach you how to develop a profitable system.

Look for this authors:
Robart Pardo
Ernest Chan
Emilio Tomasini
Kevin Davey

... ok... I know that it is all about algo trading but I don't know how to be a profitable manual trader.... 🤣
The Consistent Trader: How to Build a Winning Trading System, Master Your Psychology, and Earn Consistent Profits in the Forex Market
Sam Eder

If there’s a FAQ that’s asked more than any other, then this one must be it! Each title is linked to the T2W Reviews section or to e-retailers where you can read a synopsis of what each book is about. Where a T2W review exists, please indicate whether or not you found it helpful by clicking on the appropriate yes/no button. Additionally, please add your own review of any books that you’ve read!

Most Recommended
These are the books that members recommend time and time again. Please note that none of them are duplicated in the Long Answer (post #2).

Come into my Trading Room and Trading for a Living, both by Dr. Alexander Elder
Good general introduction to the subject of trading.

How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas
A light and undemanding trading autobiograpghy by a legendary 'retail' trader / investor, which continues to provide insight and inspiration to this day for new traders wanting to replicate his success.

Market Wizards and New Market Wizards, both by Jack D. Schwager
Detailed interviews with some of the world's most successful traders, providing real insight into their market beliefs, strategies and motives.

Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter
John Carter's book is one that gets mentioned repeatedly as one of the few texts that provides real insight into how to trade today's market.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre
If there is one book that all traders own, love and recommend without hesitation - it's this one. A timeless and classic text that is essential reading!

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy
Considered by many to be the bible of technical analysis.

The Essentials of Trading by John Forman
An excellent all round introduction to the subject of trading - especially for Forex traders. John is known as 'Rhody Trader' here on T2W and very good at answering questions and helping new members.

Trading in the Zone and The Disciplined Trader, both by Mark Douglas
A commonly held belief amongst many traders is that the obstacle to trading profits isn't the markets or your methodology - it's you! These books are widely regarded as essential reading to help you develop the right mindset to trade successfully.
To be honest, I find trading books really boring. It is not my style of learning. I prefer watching YouTube videos or reading short articles about particular topics. It is quite helpful for me.
Any good Youtube channels you recommend ?
Thanks a lot for the recommendations.Out of all the books you mentioned, I just finished reading "Mastering the Trade "by John F. Carter and trust me it was totally worth reading.
Trading for a Living" by Dr. Alexander Elder. It is about psychology of trading, risk management, and technical analysis.
This book is my favourite too buddy. I have started my trading career with this book only. This is the best book in trading psychology and every trader should own a copy of this book.
Totally agree!!!! Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is a classic every trader should have.

New traders and those who have just started the journey should avoid YouTube until they have found someone who can guide them through...either via a book by a credible author or a credible instructor, mentor or coach. There are many videos there with folks just trying to get likes and subscribes and have no clue what they are doing. Is there credible info there? Of course! But, until you have a solid foundation, you could do more harm than good to your trading and trading psyche trying to filter through those trading videos.
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Hey there, I have a list of technical analysis ebooks, if you want any of them just let me know. Here is the list
I like the work of Dr. Al Brooks on the subject of Price Action Trading
Dr. Brooks is the author of several good books on trading. For those
who have difficulty learning by reading, there are numerous YouTube
videos (Interviews with Dr. Brooks, and by his students) that might
be good alternatives.

For me, Dr. Brooks work was a good starting point. I found his
approach understandable and practical (I could apply what I read right away)

For those who learn best by watching a skilled person perform the task
I think a good trading room would be beneficial. Unfortunately most
of them are poor, in that they don't provide the kind of instruction
that retail traders can benefit from. Also there is a temptation to use
the trading room as a signal service, and that is both risky and a distraction
from the real task (learning to make consistently good trading decisions).
It would be wise to obtain a basis by studying the subject first, then
finding a good trading room and/or mentor.

Good Luck
Totally agree!!!! Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is a classic every trader should have.

New traders and those who have just started the journey should avoid YouTube until they have found someone who can guide them through...either via a book by a credible author or a credible instructor, mentor or coach. There are many videos there with folks just trying to get likes and subscribes and have no clue what they are doing. Is there credible info there? Of course! But, until you have a solid foundation, you could do more harm than good to your trading and trading psyche trying to filter through those trading videos.
Oh I have read this one and it’s awesome! I loved it