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FAQ Which Books should a Beginner Read?

I must admit, i haven't read any books as yet. I have watched plenty of clips on youtube etc. There are some interesting looking books mentioned, so will have to start reading a few .

Dude, it’s completely different watching a guy talking about a book and reading it yourself. I just suggest you reading it yourself

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I would love to recommend you guys to read books from Mark Douglas - "Trading in the zone" and "The disciplined trader".

100% agreed , there is also a great 4 part series on Youtube called how to think like a professional trader which will really help you with your mindset for trading.
It is a long watch, but absolutely worth it imo

100% agreed , there is also a great 4 part series on Youtube called how to think like a professional trader which will really help you with your mindset for trading.
It is a long watch, but absolutely worth it imo

Oh? I am gonna check this out. Thanks for sharing.
A salutary read for anyone contemplating trading seriously:

"Way of the Turtle" by Curtis Faith

The turtle way is one of many but the application of it (and the account given in the book) is worth getting to grips with.
I would not recommend reading books based on retail technical analysis (like the book mentioned above, "way of the turtle")

This book will teach you a trend following system based on indicators.

You don´t wanna trade based on trading systems, you don´t wanna use indicators (moving averages and oscillators, and trading chart patterns and candlestick patterns). Do that if you wanna be part of the 95% that lose money til they blow up their accounts.

You wanna learn how to read a chart properly, how to read imbalances in supply and demand and detect the footsteps of the smart money so you can ride their coat tails. This can only be done if your learn and become a master of VSA/Wyckoff method.

This is the book you should read several times until you puke:

I'm interested that you should feel the way you do about the turtle book. I mentioned it because (as I said) it's the application of the system and the story that is of use.

Personally, though I have zero interest in the particular Donchian based system beloved of Eckhardt and Dennis, I have been amused to see how much of their approach is still being recycled as "original work" on the internet some 30 years later. I posted about just this a couple of weeks ago, here: https://www.trade2win.com/threads/have-you-done-a-trading-course-do-tell-us.237388/post-3133113
Read "Master The Markets" by Tom Williams like, 10 times, until you know it inside out and understand everything. Then you can read "Trades About To Happen" by David Weis, do the same thing. Throw in the trash all the regular retail education technical analysis books, you will only lose money with that....
I like those recommendations. Will surely pick one of them.
Read "Master The Markets" by Tom Williams like, 10 times, until you know it inside out and understand everything. Then you can read "Trades About To Happen" by David Weis, do the same thing. Throw in the trash all the regular retail education technical analysis books, you will only lose money with that....

Dedicate your time to become a master of VSA/Wyckoff method and you will certainly make money.

Of course there is the psychological side. I found every book of trading psychology to be bullshit and useless pep talk, only book that will really explain to you how your mind really works and how to avoid cognitive biases is "Trade Mindfully" by Dr. Gary Dayton.
I have read some of these. They are some really good ones.
A salutary read for anyone contemplating trading seriously:

"Way of the Turtle" by Curtis Faith

The turtle way is one of many but the application of it (and the account given in the book) is worth getting to grips with.
This one is good.
If you are new in Forex than " Forex for Beginners" by Anna Coulling is a good book for you to learn Forex from tha beginning.