Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

counter_violent said:
The date is obvious is it not !

Only creatures that live under stones can not know this date

Pink Blue boiled half baked ones

Let it not be said that I do not tell you everything

The date is clearly mapped out for those in the know ( you know who you are ) now shush, the edge can not be given away

I disrespectfully submit

John Smiths Rules ;)
LOL - looks like the BS brigade are back - an AL clone perhaps :LOL: :LOL:
But of course, I knew someone would remind me sooner or later , " I dont understand so it must be BS " right
Bearish or what....?

The current chart setup is favouring a bearish interlude imho, and the futs are pointing down in tentative confirmation…..

The price action has formed a rising wedge and 3 divergent peaks on RSI normally give warning of a top…..

Minor retracement or all out tank to south of 10200….?

Dunno…..but I’ll be watching for possible signs of support at the fibonacci retracement levels of the last rise to indicate that we may be forming a higher low, and that the ‘Santa Rally’ may still be on…. :cool:


  • 08-11-05.gif
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dc2000 said:
But of course, I knew someone would remind me sooner or later , " I dont understand so it must be BS " right

C'mon man spill the baked beans!
dc2000 said:
But of course, I knew someone would remind me sooner or later , " I dont understand so it must be BS " right
Crap - what is there 'not to understand' !

You made an extravagant claim so either justify it or withdraw it.
tradesmart said:
The current chart setup is favouring a bearish interlude imho, and the futs are pointing down in tentative confirmation…..

The price action has formed a rising wedge and 3 divergent peaks on RSI normally give warning of a top…..

Minor retracement or all out tank to south of 10200….?

Dunno…..but I’ll be watching for possible signs of support at the fibonacci retracement levels of the last rise to indicate that we may be forming a higher low, and that the ‘Santa Rally’ may still be on…. :cool:
Resistance at 10600 held yesterday and the set up plus the futures are indicating a down move today.
Resistance at 10500.

Might be worth a look.

It suggests we could move towards 1291 or 1368 before year end. If we get a serious up move then this for next year would make the decline a little shallower. Should we not get a good up move and then the expectation of a horrific down move can be expected.

The GBPUSD had a great session where we made intra-day lows but managed to stay above 174 before session end. We can make moves lower but ideally we need to stay above 174 region by the end of the week in order to make the weekly chart look good.

The S&P is having some problems with the 1220-22 region.

Should be interesting to see what Wednesday brings.......

Good Luck all

GBPUSD still seems like a convincing long especially after todays action......
Dow dropped 40pts at the open and then traded sideways all day within a 50pt range. If we are going to see a Q4 rally then it has to break 10620. If it can do this then we could see a retest of this years highs.

However we could see a downmove first, especially if 10500 is breached, but it still seems to have considerable resilience. There could still be some significant volatility over the next few days.
and as a third option we could see a down up down move within a 38 point range

72 to 34 being the desired option
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Everywhere you look there seems to be comments about end of year rally etc., but I have my suspicions that this year will catch a lot wrong footed
This will get ya talkin

" Its a long time since we had a 300 point move on the DOW "
The GBP and Euro are now serious fresh confirmed 'longs' with a quick 200 point move expected easily......

The 30mins charts has just confirmed the two as 'buys'.....

The Dow continues with a little range problems with upside being favoured over downside.....

Good Luck all.....
big resistance kicking in at 10600 at the moment, dont know if its got the legs to break through as yet. :rolleyes:
That big spike up from 10544 to 10601 would have caught out quite a few inexperienced futures traders. It looked to me a bit like a hedge fund. The move was 1)too fast, 2) at lunchtime (when volumes are thin) and 3)not a reaction to anything in particular.

One really needs to be patient. If you miss a move, so what? There will be plenty of others every day. At the moment the dow looks a decent trading long at 10520

That one was a bit too obvious. I got long YMZ05 at 10600 and sold at precisely the second resistance point 10614.
Oil went down initially on inventories.. then oil spiked up around 17:00 and XOM which is biggest weight on S&P moved up a lot

now oil on the way down again.. and they say falling oil makes the market go up? :cheesy:
Rally or not !

"Basically, we're just seeing a resumption of the year-end rally," said
Peter Cardillo, chief market analyst at S.W. Bach.

"The market was a bit lower earlier, but it did not give in and behave
negatively in reaction to negative news. People are focusing on the possibility
of good economic numbers going forward," Cardillo said.

However, Art Hogan of Jefferies & Co. said the market will require a
significant positive catalyst if it is to move much high enough to stage a
year-end rally.

Ken Tower, chief market strategist at CyberTrader, said in recent sessions
there have been very narrow differences between opening and closing prices. This
state of affairs is a fairly unusual occurrence that generally is followed by a
significant move higher or lower, according to Tower. NEW YORK (AFX)

Hourly chart shows weakness. But I guess climbing is much more tiring than falling, right? ;)
Of the talking heads only number three has observed much worth taking notice of ,but I think he is wrong that it is unusual ...thin price movement almost always precedes volatility for a very good reason.