Racer said:houdani, I don't do bullish 😉
The current state of the market is: Down
A seller below 10450-500 and a buyer above......
Pat494 said:Has anyone an opinion as to whether the S&P 500 leads the Dow or perhaps the Nasdaq leads both ??
Currently the S&P is up 2.5 points ( equivalent of 25 Dow points )
The Dow is down 45
The nasdaq is up 14
Pat494 said:Thanks Racer
Yes we shall see what we shall see
Are the Dow companies included in the S&P 500 and if so are they weighted ? Perhaps to size like the FTSE.
Nas +18
Dow -31
S&P +4.76
Racer said:Yes Dow components in S&P that is why they follow so closely 😉
But weight (by price value not mkt caps as in FTSE) slightly different see
for comparisons
chump said:Racer,
Don't think it was odd at all...last two days up and down formed a perfect doji of indecision therefore after a high range day move of over 130 points the odds for a bounce would look good enough especially as there is an obvious tight spot to put the stop.
You get plenty of that on this thread, Racer. But the truth is too valuable to give away just because someone asks for it.Racer said:I prefer conspiracy and paranoid theories 😉