Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

O.K. Who is trusted and unbiased on this site or can the mods set this one up?

I'm unbiased, I'll except a bribe from either one or both of these traders.
Who wants to win?
Mmmm, Kriesau's price is movin out....Socs your lookin fav for this one matey. Lets look at the stats......
First stat commin through.....Socs has got that one.....he's been in this business at lot longer than Kriesau and seems to know his stuff.....bookies are givin Socs nothin on that....Socs is fav!
That's right, Rudeboy, all you have to do is look at this thread and read from my post yesterday., and the prediction of cartwheels expected, and the subsequent development. If you have not read it you ought to as you will find it very interesting. Facts are facts. It is unwise and ill judged of him to persist in arguing against what is fact, and rude and disrespectful to boot. He thinks I am like him or similar. He is very mistaken indeed and from the sound of it very immature. I have no time to devote to help individuals like him, that's it, period.
So much male mental energy and aggression on this thread lately.
Remember to read the markets you have to be in a calm frame of mind.. and that is even if you are in a losing position.. you will stop out at 'exactly' the wrong point if you are like that.

Keep calm... smile 🙂
Joking aside, i personally dont find you offensive or anything at all, but obviously some people do.....i honestly dont know why. Somebody once said " i can predict the movements of the planets, but i cant predict the madness of people"...i think it was Newton, but dont quote me on that?
I will tell you what it is, Rudeboy. You will find that I am not offensive, because to be offensive one would have to resort to bad language and to personalise insults. This is not necessary, because the English Language is the only language in the world in which one can be extremely rude if necessary, but politely.
This goes over a lot of peoples' heads.

What really annoys some individuals are several things:~

They don't like to be told the facts, they don't like to hear them. They prefer a sort of wooly world of excuses and skyving and dodging and so on.

They don't like to be told the truth, because this inteferes with their frame of reference and their beliefs that they cling to, and, unfortunately, many of these are the wrong ones when dealing with all of this.

They don't like to be contradicted, even in the face of irrefutable supportable evidence to the contrary as a result of their "opinions", which are frequently the wrong ones. They don't like this pointed out either.

They don't want to push their own envelope of their own understanding, they want it all on a plate.

They are not willing to be objective, and because of this they miss the point, and thus put their attention on the deliverer of the message, instead of the message itself.

They cannot admit, because their ego does not permit them to do so, to admit they don't know or are misinformed or the victims of misdirection.

They refuse to budge from what to them appears comfortable, in exchange for that which at first sight appears uncomfortable even if it is right.

They misunderstand discussion for argument and confrontation. Curiouslly that which they ought to confront in themselves in order to succeed they don't, and that which they ought not to confront in the way they do, they persist in doing.

They persist in searching for the easiest solution. The easiest route is not the best, otherwise everyone would be a winner and there would be no losers, and no market could exist for this reason alone.

They seek a result without effort. This is impossible.

They want the benefit of someone else's knowledge and hard work, at no effort or consideration to them.

They consider they are entitled to be told everything, to exonerate them from finding it out and experiencing it themselves.

They become boisterous and rude as a consequence of being frustrated for all the above reasons.

You cannot imagine what an education it has been and is for me to discover all these things about the way that people are apt to behave when the percieved objective is the acquisition of wealth, according to their frame of reference, which I find both fascinating and horrid at the same time.

They forget that the object of the excercise is total mastery, that is, not only mastery in trading but mastery of self. When these two things are achieved, then everything else falls into place.

And I continue to study the behaviour of people with great interest, that is why I continue to post.
Racer said:
So much male mental energy and aggression on this thread lately.
Remember to read the markets you have to be in a calm frame of mind.. and that is even if you are in a losing position.. you will stop out at 'exactly' the wrong point if you are like that.

Keep calm... smile 🙂

LOL, but who has the discipline to desist I wonder?
Socs, for most people money is for posturing...ive got this...ive got that, you know what i mean. So keepin' up with the jones's, why should this site be different? Money is human instinct, truth is a virtue not associated with money?
Have you seen in another post I recently made in which I explain that money carries "charge", "emotional charge", and this emotional energy if you like, has the abiltiy to disable reason? When reason, and its extension, which is logical deduction are disabled, the effect is to impair the ability to act, that is to act in accordance with reason and logical deduction, to act correctly as the circumstances require. This is why even the idea of money is such a problem for so many people that it gets in the way of them doing what they ought to do, without any impairment of the three faculties I describe above.
There have been about 100,300 viewings of this thread which would make it the most popular (or close) on these boards. This must be due to the number of contributors; divergence of opinions; willingness to discuss open/closed/pending trades; good humour and occasional banter. Why do we want to spoil it?

Children are taught to be tolerant and accept that people look different, speak differently, dress differently and comprehend differently. Imagine the shock they would get if they were to find out that Grand dad, Dad/Mum are worse than they are. It is time we learn to behave ourselves and treat others with a bit more respect, it is a bit selfish to say the least if a minority of us hijack the thread to seek personal glorification by trying belittle others.
But goin back to 3864, i will admit, it does. And you were right, its about getting it right, and not for money. RB.
today's word is "pheromones"

well kerikey. i leave you lunatics to run the asylum for one evening, and look at the mess we get into:

not, only an online barny, but also you lot made the Dow tank somewhat.

looks as though it missed out the sell day, and went straight to the short sell day.

so that means we are expecting something of a bounce today.

on further good news, the 150 points "cap" at 10,190 ish (from 10,340) has held pretty well for 2 days running now, and also looking like a Double Bottom (fnar) now.

a bounce is to be expected, possibly with a gap and run, and as i type, the futures are +20.

currently still long from 10260 and 10245, a move below 10,150 will cause me to bail on these in the short term, but i still see 10,750 in the next 2 weeks..

thedunce said:

Thank you for your reply. I must admit that I find the brushstrokes of what is postulated hard to understand and at best confusing; but no one said the task of sifting through the information available to the Public was an easy and enjoyable task, let alone a pursuit that would yield a result. I will investigate the attachment you have provided and examine it intensely, just as you have, to assess whether the content of it has any validity or not. I may come to the same conclusion that you no doubt arrived at long ago, but I must be satisfied in my own eyes. I'm sure I have no need telling you this. Many thanks again, your posts are helping to satisfy my Questions and thoughts regarding the Stock Market and its participants.
you might also look at Crabel t. 8 articles "openig range break out"in stocks & comm..good luck