Where is a decent low tax place to trade European equity Index futures?

George Soreass

Junior member
I'm a relatively small fish in terms of trading, £250k income roughly, am lookin to move away from the UK because of tax and opressive government regime. I have friends who have moved to Dubai and complained about the systems, and I have friends in Gib who say it's slow there too, my pals in Asia say it's very slow there too, for eurex connection ... is there a really good place with a very quick connection to Eurex that anyone would recommend? Bear in mind the sole purpose to to reduce tax! No point working 20 years when the government take 10 of them as tax when I can just work 10 and keep it all myself :idea:

Yeah, cheers, that's where I'm thinking - Geneva ... 20% tax, not at all bad - reasonable climate, ski winters and sunnier summers .... cleaner air!

I'll take that over wet, drizzly, £400k for a broom cupboard London, with its 50% tax on incomes, then taxes on every aspect of your life (beer 80%, fuel 70%) any day of the week ....

Any Swiss traders out there traded in London?? How fast are the systems out there compared to ours?
FuturesBetting.Com - Direct Access spreadbetting.

Bottom line - you're a UK national trading via a Gibralter broker into a European exchange with profits being remitted into a bank account located in X . . . don't care what the local laws are about spreadbetting!

All you need is a good internet connection.
dashing blade, thanks seen that site

But I don't want to spread bet... I've been trading futures on TT for a living for 5 years, I want to continue that. I don't mind the £3500 a month desk fees I pay, I just want to do what I do on this platform in a tax haven, but Dubai and Gibraltar are bloody slow, I was wondering if anyone knew of a place that was good performance from the systems, like we have almost anywhere in London!
Otherwise look at the new countries, Poland etc. I am in Poland. Capital Gains Tax 18%. Business income tax 19% 😉

Good thing for me: 2km to the border, 150km to berlin, next not small german city 50km. Means: I can shop in germany, go to movies in germany, live and pay 19% tax in poland.

Decent internet - I run 6mbit from home, rarely fails, UMTS backup at hand, trading server located at colocation center in Nürnberg (ok, 500km away, but one does not have to go there often). Trades will be handled in Nürnberg, where I getr 100% practical uptime (we talk real data center here, more than 70gigabit internet bandwitgh through a dozen lines, battery backup and all that).