Where to trade from??


Hi All,

I recently started trading and i am very happy, made good money, lost also but overall i'm up. So much so i want to jack in my company and trade for a living. I know, it's risky, blah, blah, blah, i've heard it all before but this is what i want to do. I actually only trade with a small amount of money so my losses are very limited.

What i want to know is where can i trade from tax free as my only / main source of income. e.g I was thinking of the Bahamas, australia or Dubai. Due to laws, system in Dubai i think this one is not an option. Must be a hot country. I like the bahamas, drive on the same side of the road as in the U.K so just easier but prefer australia as it is a much larger place so there is a lot to explore there.

What about emigrating to these countries, how easy is it?? If i buy a property outright is it a simple move?? Advantage with the Bahamas is there is only property tax of 1-2% per year, but can i trade from there?? I only wish to come to the U.K for holidays, live in a hot country, earn from FST tax free and travel to other countries while trading from a laptop. Am i on cloud nine??

Please help but dont tell me about risks, my life has been one big risk
and I cope very well like this.

Any other ideas would be great.


There's a thread running somewhere in the forums about where's best to trade, try that, should be easy enough to find with the search engine.


Yep looks like the taxes in Aus are a waste of money so that one is out.
Also i trade on the U.S market due to volatility so time difference also
makes it no good.

Thanks for the info.

I will look into the other countries but Dubai and Bahamas seem
to be better options. Any advice about these countries??
There are loads of traders all over the world who basically just trade in the background of whatever country they are in, just an internet connection and you are there, bank accounts in various places, all under the radar. Trying to get a working visa in the far east is very hard and may get rejected so why bother, its no different to playing online poker after all is it?
As long as you're a UK citizen you'll be expected to declare all income pay UK taxes. Either change citizenship or expect to be charged with tax evasion. There are some sketchy things you can do by seting up international incorporations in tax havens but you'll need to go elsewhere for that advice.
Tax free trading


I want to go to a country which has very little or no tax such as bahamas or UAE. Europe is out as the countries which are tax free i.e Monaco are just too expensive to live in. I'm interested in the UAE and wish to do this all legally so no living under the 'radar' for me, i dont want to end up in jail or in trouble for tax evasion. I dont mind becoming a citizen of the country.

I believe i have to use a UK tradin account and trade from that country. Is this legal in the UAE. I have heard it is but i am not sure. Any advice on how i can check this??

I may also start another business and i'm tired of paying taxes which ruin the profit. I know if i start a company in a UAE free zone i can get an investment visa and then buy a property to get a residency visa but can i trade there legally?? I use a spread betting account and believe gambling is illegal in the UAE which is a concern.

The bahamas is nice but a very small place so i'd get bored very easily but on the other hand South USA and the USA are very local for me to explore.

Any more advice would be great.
Tax free: Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Switzerland, Mexico, Argentina. Closer to home Netherlands has CGT around 1%.

I wouldn't want to live in South USA. These countries are too corupt.
Europe is also out. Good to know Netherlands only has 1% CGT though.
The far east is out due to time differences on London AND NYSE stock exchanges.

I am looking for advice on Bahamas or UAE.
Time differences are in my favour and the taxes too.