Where have the mods gone?

Why pay the mods when they are happy to do it for free? Sharky aint f*ckin stoopid!!!
Why pay the mods when they are happy to do it for free? Sharky aint f*ckin stoopid!!!

Pay peanuts get...? Pay nothing get..? 😀 And actually I disagree, imho it is criminally stoopid (long term) to not pay the mods. But heh, they may have skin in the site in terms of equity..who knows..Anyhow, I'm done with this thread.
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I personally think that the mods here do a great job and I don't see how that would improve by them being paid. There is nothing on here that offends me. Once or twice I've reported a post and it gets promptly deleted, I suggest you to the same if something offends you/breaks the site guidlines... Just don't report this post ok! 😆
yup... I no complaints about moderation ... and as dash alludes to, I've no complaints about my monthly stipend either
In recent times from many of the posts you have made it is clear that in your mind it is only your view that counts. Unfortunately this is not how the world works and if anyone has a different view you get very upset very quickly. This is not how it always was so what has changed ?


He's getting grief off the Mrs - he's had to ask her for another £100 to recharge his Finspreads account.