Moderators and their behaviour

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
Most posts relating to mods are critical of them.
There have been many occasions in the past when I personally have disagreed with them, but credit where it's due. Mostly they have been correct and the more difficult to understand decisions have been relatively few.
They do read through an awful lot of junk and worse, but one thread today had a revolting picture in its opening post and they have rightly deleted the thread, so well done to that mod :clap:

PS I've not got anything against the OP, but the piccie was not my sense of humour, fwtw.
I concur with Richard's sentiment about the mod's who do a great job for no reward and little thanks from us lot. So - well done chaps!
Yes, agree they keep it pretty much spamfree!

How long before there's a bitter post about equality on here?