Where do you fit within your market analogy ?

I always imagined arabian like Nick Leesons English mate out of that movie. You know the one who tells him not to bet against the market. Then I found out he was only a whip-snapper.
I see the market as the like sea...the tide comes in and out, individual waves break on the beach and go in and out. The bulk of water moving too and fro is far larger than me - I'm a cork floating on the surface, if you like, which will go wherever the waves go. I have no control over what the water does, but I have control over when to get in and when to get out of the water.

I seek to position myself such that I am in synch with the flow of the waves. In other words I want to be dragged along by the current (which ever way it may go!?) and try and avoid being hit in the face by a big wave coming in, just as I'm jumping in, against the wave. in the other direction to that wave.

To me the tide is the big timeframe big picture, and each individual wave is the shorter timeframe view.

A capable and highly profitable forex trader trader once explained the market to me in these terms. I can't speak for anyone else obviously, but this analogy helped me.
It is simultaneously and outstanding and completely gruesome book. It's how I imagine Arabian but without the psychopathic murdering bit (bon viveur, hedonist, etc)
You're safer leaving the psychopathic murdering bit in if your talking about Arabian. Covers Friday nights...
Well, you guys, its been a very enjoyable morning. I have not had an interest in and, therefore, have not made money from the market all morning. Neither have I read any of my novel.

Have a good day.
I see the market as the like sea...the tide comes in and out, individual waves break on the beach and go in and out. The bulk of water moving too and fro is far larger than me - I'm a cork floating on the surface, if you like, which will go wherever the waves go. I have no control over what the water does, but I have control over when to get in and when to get out of the water.

I seek to position myself such that I am in synch with the flow of the waves. In other words I want to be dragged along by the current (which ever way it may go!?) and try and avoid being hit in the face by a big wave coming in, just as I'm jumping in, against the wave. in the other direction to that wave.

To me the tide is the big timeframe big picture, and each individual wave is the shorter timeframe view.

A capable and highly profitable forex trader trader once explained the market to me in these terms. I can't speak for anyone else obviously, but this analogy helped me.

I have a lot of experience with maritime work. You take your lifejacket with you.
Do Arabian and this man share something in common DT?
