Where do I learn?


After a bit of following the markets I think am ready to learn Technical Analysis.

Wanted some advice on which online training I should invest in.
Am confused with the choices i have narrowed down on

Better trades
Trade Smart University
Trading Academy

Will begin with checking out the free weekly webinar at www.tradesmartu.com/foundations1 but need your help too to finally decide
After a bit of following the markets I think am ready to learn Technical Analysis.

Wanted some advice on which online training I should invest in.
Am confused with the choices i have narrowed down on

Better trades
Trade Smart University
Trading Academy

Will begin with checking out the free weekly webinar at www.tradesmartu.com/foundations1 but need your help too to finally decide

Someone else had that prob, and you can read all about it, and how he solved it🙂
Nicolas Darvas.
I recomend you, before going on to seek throug the web all the available resorces you can find about price-action, chart analysis and most of all the specific information you can get from the various trend indicators and oscillators, do it before starting your trading activities.
Someone else had that prob, and you can read all about it, and how he solved it🙂
Nicolas Darvas.

Have you read this book? Seems like a waste of time and money to me. The only thing I know for sure about this business is that there are no silver bullets.

Elaboration required please.

With all due respect, you may want to skip technical analysis. Although it is widely touted there is very little evidence that anyone is making money through it. You stand to spend a considerable amount of time in what is essentially a fools errand.

Pick a market. Find out how that market operates. Where the exchange is, who the players are - market makers, brokers, institutions. There are those facilitating the market and those that are participating.

Then look at what is driving the price in that market. You will find that the major moves are driven by events and not historical prices. These events are repeated over and over at different frequencies depending on the type of event.If the market has a derivative attached to is (as stocks do with options) look at how those derivatives impact the price at different times in their life cycle.

TA does not hold the answers you are looking for. It is an unproven science.


Have you read this book? Seems like a waste of time and money to me. The only thing I know for sure about this business is that there are no silver bullets.

Elaboration required please.

Of course I have.

& yes there are no silver bullets.....this book imo demonstrates this and illustrates a journey....its not been written as a money making exercise by some wannabe.

With all due respect, you may want to skip technical analysis. Although it is widely touted there is very little evidence that anyone is making money through it. You stand to spend a considerable amount of time in what is essentially a fools errand.

Pick a market. Find out how that market operates. Where the exchange is, who the players are - market makers, brokers, institutions. There are those facilitating the market and those that are participating.

Then look at what is driving the price in that market. You will find that the major moves are driven by events and not historical prices. These events are repeated over and over at different frequencies depending on the type of event.If the market has a derivative attached to is (as stocks do with options) look at how those derivatives impact the price at different times in their life cycle.

TA does not hold the answers you are looking for. It is an unproven science.



Well thats a complete load of rubbish......imo. Who cares whats driving the market...just because so & so says they are buying....would you still buy if the price is dropping through the floor or would you ignore the evidence in front of your eyes....do you in fact even look?
After a bit of following the markets I think am ready to learn Technical Analysis.

Wanted some advice on which online training I should invest in.
Am confused with the choices i have narrowed down on

Better trades
Trade Smart University
Trading Academy

Will begin with checking out the free weekly webinar at www.tradesmartu.com/foundations1 but need your help too to finally decide

So many links in your post - what are you selling ?

However, a bit of research here via the "search" button at top of page will help.

Here are some starters:

Read Threads by TD


This will give you an insight into trading via TA and it's FREE🙂
Takes time to read though. No magic bullets or holy grails - just regular study and practice (demo accounts if you wish).
Good luck🙂

With all due respect, you may want to skip technical analysis. Although it is widely touted there is very little evidence that anyone is making money through it. You stand to spend a considerable amount of time in what is essentially a fools errand.

Pick a market. Find out how that market operates. Where the exchange is, who the players are - market makers, brokers, institutions. There are those facilitating the market and those that are participating.

Then look at what is driving the price in that market. You will find that the major moves are driven by events and not historical prices. These events are repeated over and over at different frequencies depending on the type of event.If the market has a derivative attached to is (as stocks do with options) look at how those derivatives impact the price at different times in their life cycle.

TA does not hold the answers you are looking for. It is an unproven science.



With the greatest of respect, my most learned DT, that is advice and info. severely skewed by your own experiences and deeply held prejudices. OK, my morning thus far hasn't been great; only taken 3 trades AUS/USD, cable and GBY/JPY, all winners approx. 170 pips all taken through hard core TA and strictly sticking to the plan...Well OK... I did come out of the 3 too early but had (nearly) hit my morning target session..OK for 3 hours *work*.
I cannot think, would not waste any mental energy, of trying to trade any other way...🙂
Have a look at http://www.tradetheeasyway.com/
Mike is a great teacher and has videos/charts on his website. I've done one-to-one mentoring with him and am flying!

Currency & stock trading: next course starts 2nd February 2010 - suits intermediate and advanced traders

"An interactive short course for intermediate or advaced traders. It's webinar based so traders will be looking over my shoulder, seeing how I prepare for the day to find the best markets and charts to trade.

I will be showing my radar screen set up for quick pre market preparation. As usual there will be simple but direct course material to go with this to make sure you retain all the key points and can put the work into practice straight away.

There will be live trading to help traders see and use this approach to reinforce the set ups and make sure their platform is optmised for speed and alerts to entries and exits.

£375 each for a small group - max 8"
No thanks I'll stick to trading the hard way, btw, wtf is a radar screen?? 😆
Have you read this book? Seems like a waste of time and money to me. The only thing I know for sure about this business is that there are no silver bullets.

Elaboration required please.

Darvas' "How I..." is, I think, the best book written on trading after "Reminscences..."

In terms of helping you become a better trader, it may even have Lefevres book beat.
Darvas' "How I..." is, I think, the best book written on trading after "Reminscences..."

I must admit I have not read the book. I avoided it on the basis that its generally acknowledged that Darvas was unable to prove the claims made in the book, and that the majority of his income was derived from book sales.

If it even comes close to ROASA then I guess its worth a read
I must admit I have not read the book. I avoided it on the basis that its generally acknowledged that Darvas was unable to prove the claims made in the book, and that the majority of his income was derived from book sales...

As I understood it, a very sceptical Time magazine had a number of people independently verify his accounts and statements before they would publish his story.

According to Wikipedia however, Time magazine subsequently reported that the New York Attorney General had 'thrown the book' at Darvas charging that his story was 'unqualifiedly false' and that it could find 'ascertainable' profits of only $216,000.

Wikipedia also goes onto say though that state investigators had not been able to track down all of the dancer's brokerage accounts which may account for the shortfall.

Perhaps we will never know the truth but whether he made the fortune he claims or not, the book presents, in my opinion, an interesting account of the journey that many of us face and details what I consider to be the key to the markets rhythm.

His box theory is certainly the foundation of my own strategy.
Are we talking of "Wall St., the other Las Vegas" or "How I made $2,000,000..."? BTW anyone get their lurverly latest edition of reminiscences of a stock operator from Amazon a couple of weeks back? Really (pleasantly) surprised it was a hardback for 13 quid.🙂