Recommend a book


Junior member
Hello guys , i am 20 year old university student and i have some experience in forex, mostly demo accounts and technical analysis. However i decided that if i want to become a trader i need to narrow my focus on one direction and learn as much as possible about it.

Thats why i started reading about options trading and particularly i am interested in index options trading. I have studied some economics in the university, but only general terms and mostly things that can not be applied that much on the option markets.

Can someone recommend me a good book on applied macroeconomics, fundamental index analysis or a book that i will find useful in learning how to predict index movements. Thank you in advance
Can someone recommend me a good book on applied macroeconomics, fundamental index analysis or a book that i will find useful in learning how to predict index movements. Thank you in advance
Hi hardrlz,
Welcome to T2W. I rather doubt there is such a book and, if there is one, it'll become an overnight international bestseller (assuming it works)!

For most traders, (I won't say all), it's a game based around probability rather than prediction. They take a view that price of an instrument is more likely to go up / down / sideways than it is to go in the other two directions and formulate a strategy to profit from such a move if they're right - and keep their losses to a minimum if they're wrong. Very, very few traders can say with any degree of confidence where price of an instrument will go at any one time; that's best left to the Nostradamus' of this world.

As for books, take a look at this FAQ: Which Books should a Beginner Read?
Thanks for the link 🙂 now i saw that in the section review there are some book propositions for each area which i think is very useful so i will research some of the books under the "Economics" label and try to find what would suit my needs. Thanks again and sorry that i made a thread when i just had to research this site better 🙂
Thanks again and sorry that i made a thread when i just had to research this site better 🙂
No worries hardrlz - and note the book by Natenburg on options (under 'General' in post #2 of the FAQ).