When u r asked ' y trader?'


Nearly all shops ask this question.

big $$,background,personality,traits(calm,ambitious etc.)............
If u r a trader interviewing new guys and ask this question, how do u rank these reasons? and what r u looking for if all interviewees give u all indistinguishable answers(I think all of them will mention above all stuff)?
....And a love of money isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself

If you are familiar with Christian doctrine and in particular Timothy 6:10 then apparantly it is. I am posting this for information only although it is interesting to note that most people misquote this and say that Money is the root of all evil and omit the "Love of money" which puts an entirely different meaning on this.

I wouldn't say that money is the root of all evil at all. But I would say that a lack of money can cause a lot of grief. Money cannot bring happiness either, but anyone who cannot pay his bills and has chronic problems with it will very soon become grumpy and bad tempered and even rude as a consequence of being frustrated, let alone envious etc., so I will concede there is a link, but the link has to be reverse engineered to be properly understood, and not neccesarily in the context originally presented.
A love of money is a separate problem. It would be better to say a craving for money is a separate problem. This is because it carries charge. It creates an aberration in the reasoning and deductive abilities of the individual, a sort of blinding disablement to see things clearly for what they are and in the pursuit of it by any means, over and above and beyond everything.
There appears to be an inverse relationship between working hard and making money as viewed by those afflicted by what I describe above. In actual fact it is not the case. I do concede that it takes efffort.
Then if the effort expended is the correct effort tilted in the right direction then wealth is the result of harmonious confluence in which the idea is the correct one to start with, and once it has gathered momentum, has the ability to practically run itself.
If the idea or concept or viewpoint is not the correct one to start with, for a variety of different reasons, then no amount of effort expended on it or even money thrown at it will make it work. This is an error we all see repeatedly occurring in industry for example, in which a product or service is provided that is not economically or practically feasable, despite all persistence, until a point is reached at which the activity cannot be sustained or justified any longer, and it is only a matter of time before it is forced to cease.
yuqinzhu said:
Nearly all shops ask this question.

big $$,background,personality,traits(calm,ambitious etc.)............
If u r a trader interviewing new guys and ask this question, how do u rank these reasons? and what r u looking for if all interviewees give u all indistinguishable answers(I think all of them will mention above all stuff)?
In order for you to properly frame the question asked you ought to consider the answer as a solution to the interviewer, and not from the point of view of the interviewee.

This is because what they really want is turnover with minimum risk to them. What they are looking for is the type of individual who can be absolutely controlled so he does not make a serious mud pie, but at the same time is driven to perform.

All of this without proper training and proper mentoring, either because the supervisors are they themselves not capable ~ or ~ because it is not in their interest that the interviewee should acquire sufficient skill to be able eventually to do it from the comfort of his own home, and for his own account.
Trader333 said:
If you are familiar with Christian doctrine and in particular Timothy 6:10 then apparantly it is. I am posting this for information only although it is interesting to note that most people misquote this and say that Money is the root of all evil and omit the "Love of money" which puts an entirely different meaning on this.


any chance someone can literally quote Tomithy 6:10 - I for one am unfamiliar with this....many thanks and regards.
Timothy 6:10 (King James Version)
Public Domain

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

I'm no longer a Christian myself, but wonder why anyone with any intelligence who is (and it's not necessarily a contradiction in terms) would not seek to challenge or at least, dissect, statements and quotations such as this.

Just taking the first part:- I can think of half-a-dozen evils which are not anywhere close to having anything to do with money at all. So clearly, 'the love of money' or even just plain old money itself is not the root of all evil.

My BS detectors generally pick up when Universal Quantifiers such as all, none, always, never, everyone, nobody etc. come into play.

It's not in any of the formal religions' interests to have the flock challenging their dogma, canon or their catechism. And it's my belief that the more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to challenge. Challenge everything. Which is viewed by some as cynical. And by others as downright heresy!

I've had experience in a professional context with many people whose hang-ups originate in religious indoctrination. And not just as children. Enough for me to put most organised religions on a par with ritualised mental abuse.

As effective Traders (or as effective Anything for that matter) - it's my view we need to be as mentally and emotionally uncluttered with unchallenged concepts and structures as possible. The way to de-clutter ourselves, other than through therapy, is to challenge everything.

If that seems like too much of a job to take on all in one go - just start with challenging those things that don't make sense.

What the hell was this thread about anyway... 😱
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TheBramble said:
Timothy 6:10 (King James Version)
Public Domain

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

I'm no longer a Christian myself, but wonder why anyone with any intelligence who is (and it's not necessarily a contradiction in terms) would not seek to challenge or at least, dissect, statements and quotations such as this.

Just taking the first part:- I can think of half-a-dozen evils which are not anywhere close to having anything to do with money at all. So clearly, 'the love of money' or even just plain old money itself is not the root of all evil.

My BS detectors generally pick up when Universal Quantifiers such as all, none, always, never, everyone, nobody etc. come into play.

It's not in any of the formal religions' interests to have the flock challenging their dogma, canon or their catechism. And it's my belief that the more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to challenge. Challenge everything. Which is viewed by some as cynical. And by others as downright heresy!

I've had experience in a professional context with many people whose hang-ups originate in religious indoctrination. And not just as children. Enough for me to put most organised religions on a par with ritualised mental abuse.

As effective Traders (or as effective Anything for that matter) - it's my view we need to be as mentally and emotionally uncluttered with unchallenged concepts and structures as possible. The way to de-clutter ourselves, other than through therapy, is to challenge everything.

If that seems like too much of a job to take on all in one go - just start with challenging those things that don't make sense.

What the hell was this thread about anyway... 😱
I have been waiting for more than a year for you to make a statement such as this.
I know how you have suffered.
I also commend you for your bravery and fortitude in surviving and overcoming the ordeal, and for not allowing your spirit to be broken.
Well done Bramble.
TheBramble said:
Timothy 6:10 (King James Version)
Public Domain

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

heya brambie

very interesting post you made there (altho not necessarily anything to do with this thread - tho you could wangle it to make it sound as if it is - but we'll leave that for now)....

I ain't Christian, (I'm Hindu), but do respect the christian religion.... having read the above quote, I was jut wondering could it not be that what is being said is for "some" as in "which while some coveted after", it is for these some people that money is the root of all evil. There are people that do anything and everything for money and perhaps this quotation is trying to deter them from thereby erring and becoming sorrowful. Personally, I don't think that much attention should be paid to the words ALL etc, but every attempt should be made to try to understand the sentence in its context, rather than perhaps be too semantical (hope that's a word 😉 ) about it....

just my thoughts - pls reply if u can.... i did read what soccy baby wrote, so i hope i haven't unintentionally opened any wounds or anything....u can understand nothing like that was intended old boy, what?

It might be argued that the word all from 1 Timothy 6:10 is a mis-translation from the Greek. In this verse Paul was addressing Timothy, as he was preparing him for public ministry. From the Amplifying Bible, Timothy 6:10 reads: "For the love of money (and all it buys) placed before the love of God (in reality) is the root of all kinds of evil."

Or, another way of looking at it is that if you love something or someone more than you love God then that is considered evil. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold on to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Mattew 6:24). God is not anti-money, or anti-wealth, He is anti-money worship.

Just as a tree has many roots, there are many paths in life that lead to evil deeds and thoughts. But concerning wealth: "He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch." (Proverbs 11:28)

From http://www.myfortress.org:

Can blessings be a danger? The answer is a resounding yes! One popular preacher quips, "You probably have as much money as God can trust you with." There is an inherent danger in abundance to stop relying upon God and to start trusting in what these things can do for you.

dsmodi is right in saying that there are people who will do anything and everything to gain money. Money in and of itself, sitting idle can do no harm and is not evil. But when it is placed in the hands of one whose heart is consumed with love for it, this can do much spiritual damage.
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yuqinzhu said:
Nearly all shops ask this question.

big $$,background,personality,traits(calm,ambitious etc.)............
If u r a trader interviewing new guys and ask this question, how do u rank these reasons? and what r u looking for if all interviewees give u all indistinguishable answers(I think all of them will mention above all stuff)?

u say omg i wud luv 2 b a trad0r plz, 4 i cnt fnd all da lettrz on mi keyboard