Common Traits of Traders

hi lurkerlurker,
your question about maths is interesting, in that a variant is whether we are attracted to games-playing or puzzle-solving.
I wonder how many of us treat the markets as a puzzle to solve.

Regarding the maths question. As an 8-9 year old i rmember scoring 66/66 on a times table test at school. Top of the class! Strangely, all the other kids rejected me for the next few days because they thought i was gonna be a smart ass!
From 8-10 i became fascinated with numbers. I would do tremendous multiplication sums, and square roots in my head.
eg. 9*9=81
81*81 - 6561
6561*6561 = 43046721
etc. etc.

On occassions friends used to test me with a calculator, and get their parents to do the same!
On long car journeys I'd be sat in the back seat, quietly doing these sums in my head. I don't know if it could be called an obsession or compulsion 😕 .

This ability has never left me, i still have very strong mental arithmatic skills. But it is something i grew out of after a couple of years.

This in my case in also linked to memory, as I've always had a very good one, being able to recall converstations, emails from friends, mental pictures, etc. years later. And my photographic memory skills have always seemed quite good to me.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying I was or am a genius. I underachieved in maths at school, and was slow to understand & grasp other areas of maths. I was a lazy high school pupil in many subjects. But then a lot of under-achievement at school is linked to the condusiveness of the learning environment in the classroom.....Just look at David Platt on Coronation Street - that kids a genius 😆 .
Regarding the maths question. As an 8-9 year old i rmember scoring 66/66 on a times table test at school. Top of the class! Strangely, all the other kids rejected me for the next few days because they thought i was gonna be a smart ass!
From 8-10 i became fascinated with numbers. I would do tremendous multiplication sums, and square roots in my head.
eg. 9*9=81
81*81 - 6561
6561*6561 = 43046721
etc. etc.

On occassions friends used to test me with a calculator, and get their parents to do the same!
On long car journeys I'd be sat in the back seat, quietly doing these sums in my head. I don't know if it could be called an obsession or compulsion 😕 .

This ability has never left me, i still have very strong mental arithmatic skills. But it is something i grew out of after a couple of years.

This in my case in also linked to memory, as I've always had a very good one, being able to recall converstations, emails from friends, mental pictures, etc. years later. And my photographic memory skills have always seemed quite good to me.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying I was or am a genius. I underachieved in maths at school, and was slow to understand & grasp other areas of maths. I was a lazy high school pupil in many subjects. But then a lot of under-achievement at school is linked to the condusiveness of the learning environment in the classroom.....Just look at David Platt on Coronation Street - that kids a genius 😆 .

I eventually got bored with maths due to being too far ahead of the class and not getting challenged. By the time I had left high school I was probably below average in math. (I'd switched off through most of calculus and then had difficulty with it). However, when much younger I was attracted to various math problems, would sit and work out sums for hours on Saturdays, that sort of thing. I also got the "calculator testing" from friends. I did get on quite well with memorising Pi for awhile also. I think my memory for numbers and patterns has always been quite good. After I got bored with maths, I discovered computers...I remember mucking about with several of the properly ancient computers (as in before mice).

I think the more successful traders have had at some point a gift with numbers, and perhaps some strong problem solving abilities (engineering, computer programming, scientific research?). I don't have anything to back this up with in the way of empirical evidence. Still, it makes for interesting discussions.
In response to the original question, I got into tradin because a friend of mine said I had just the right sort of personality for it. I had never thought of myself as trader material because I cant think fast and I dont like taking (big, uncalculated) risks and I need a lot of sleep!
But I dont give in easily to temptation, I do take calculated risks when the expected value of a series of risks taken is positive,Im very analytical, I work very well on my own, I work hard and I never give up (unless there is a very good reason to.)
I am also patient and am willing to work at it slowly in order to get it right.
IM only just starting out but so far I have managed to resist the temptations that have come my way because I know that this is not a get rich quick scheme and that giving in will lead to disaster.
I have heard and I would agree that most traders should be relatively risk averse but willing to take calculated risks.
OK, Ill stop going on about myself but I just wanted to add my bit.
How many of the following would you agree with:
  1. I have an irregular sleep pattern
  2. I have a formal education in economics, or an engineering or scientific background
  3. I showed high levels of ability in mathematics (or a similar field) as a child
  4. I have worked in IT
  5. I hold myself to high standards in all my endeavours
  6. I spend significant time concentrating on personal development
  7. I am a better trader when in good physical condition and taking regular exercise
  8. I have high expectations (of myself and others)
  9. Goal setting is important to me
  10. I try to save money wherever possible

Interesting. All but #7 are true for me. I susepct 7 would be too if I weren't so lazy when it comes to exercise.