Following the disparity between the signals I was reading on the fxcm charts for USD/CHF the other day and those of Tony (The Bramble), I have spent much time looking again, communicating by em@il with Tony and uninstalling and re-installing the prog and chart plug -in (twice)! Still tho, sometimes when I look back @ a signal after the event....the info has changed
Finally, whilst I still had some hair left on my head...I em@iled FXCM re the problems I was having, and thought my query and (especially) their reply may be of interest to others:
Hi there,
Assistance required pls,
I am attaching 4 screenshots over the same two time periods, both using 3 EW
indicators. The 1st two attachments called 06.45 and 07.00 were taken on
the day (4th Oct). The next two attachments were taken within last 30 mins,
but of the same time period i.e. 4th October 06.45 and 07.00. As u can see,
the indicator numbers have changed, and I am wondering how this can possibly
be? I was looking back to see where a trade had gone wrong, and had the
signals been as per the 6th,,it would have been a no trade!
An explanation of how the same time periods with same indicators can change
from one day to the next would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
The following response received pretty quickly:
Thank you for your interest in FXCM. The problem that you are incountering is a software problem of MarketScope. Our team of technicians is looking into the program's flaws and it will be fixed very shortly. If you have any further question, you can speak to a charting specialist who will answer your questions more thoughroughly. Please feel free to contact: Brandon Palmer a charting specialist here at FXCM. His email address is
[email protected]. I will also forward your email to him.
From your technically advanced question, I get the feeling that you are a technical trader. Please do remember that FXCM is a market maker that provides the best execution in the retail FX market. We offer fixed guaranteed spreads that will never change undre normal market conditions. Yet if you are an advanced technical trader, I would suggest that you subscribe to a premium charting package. A premium package will offer further trend indicators and statistical analytics. Premium charts are supported by coorporations that only specialize in data and therefore will not fail. If you are considering the premium packages, please look at : We actually offer a one month free subscription to these premium packages which will allow you to demo the charts.
FXCM is committed to offering clients excellent execution, easy accessibility, safety of funds, and the most exceptional customer service in the foreign exchange industry. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by phone, email or live chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our email is
[email protected]. You can call us at +1 (212) 897-7660, or toll-free (US only) at +1(888) 503-6739. Our international toll-free numbers are available at the following page:
Kindest Regards,
Theodore Tenev
Forex Capital Markets, LLC
32 Old Slip, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Tel: (212) 897-7660
Fax: (212) 897-7669
[email protected]
A "blip" I could handle, but as a relative newbie to TA, knowing the programme has "flaws" doesn't fill me with confidence! Has anyone else encountered similar problems? Tho only paper trading, should I still go with the signals I get or........????
(Thanks Tony for your help and advice and patience)!