Hi guys,
Not sure if I have these (paper) trades correct...1st time try @ both JT and 4xtrend systems AND 1st time try @ any kind of chart! 😱 Pls feel free to correct me on any errors 🙄
First JT's BO:
High: 18012 Low: 17968 Sell signal @ 8.50am, 17967. Stopped out @ 19787 @10.30am
High: 12335 Low: 12312 Buy signal @ 10.30am,12336. Closed @12436 just b4 9pm
(With a trailing 35 point S/L, then thru day trade could have been stopped out a cpl of times when (momentarily) it was 40-45 , but as I wouldnt plan on trailing the stop every 15 mins precisely, I reckon that by time I got to change the stop, the danger would have passed :cheesy:
TOTAL JT BO + 80 less spreads
Next 4xtrend:
All 3 indicators signalled a buy @ 12noon ,12334. Closed @ 12336 just b4 9pm.
(Wasn't aware of any relevant news around 12 noon but it took off thereafter)
All 3 indicators signalled a buy @ 1.30pm, 18067. Closed @ 18121 just b4 9pm.
+ 54
Obviously the crap 1.30 US news helped this one along, however I found it surprising that by the time the signals lined up, it had already moved +91 from the lows. Had I been trading this for real I would probably have been more than a little hesitant to go long having seen the +91.
Total 4xtrend +156 less spreads
Bet that doesn't happen when I do it for real 😉