Sounds like it might be a painful experience..have you ?
I have read his book and the guy has great vision. However, I only dropped his name as somebody who has billions.
As the headline of this thread identifies he no doubt has more money than he probably ever envisaged or perhaps wanted but he is a superb human - married with a family and gives billions away. Now that's what I call a well rounded individual.
He is still working and contributing to the Global IT industry making a change to billions of people.
He is not like your average superstar or football celebrity playing the field..
There are many people out there. My views is that a poor person who becomes very rich very quickly doesn't know how to handle himself or money. So he acts like the exagerrated characters he has seen in movies and on TV. Basically being a dick.
Where as a true wealthy individual who is of wealthy background is far more measured and less vulgar in their display of that wealth.
As an example I can quote our late friend Rothschild - who claims to be very rich and a super trader - and yet is very lonely and has little or no friends other than those who kiss his ass and say yes you're the greatest legend whose little feet have touched this earth.
Despite the guys money and riches - he comes to an online forum seeking appreciation and applause and then gets offended when he gets ridiculed. Writes up an emotional email and legs it in rejection. Very sad lonely individual who has been deprived of love at a young tendger age and socially inadequate imho. I've lost count how many times he has mentioned his money making abilities. Good for him.
Similar to KS he couldn't give a hoot as to what others think of him or say but in reality he does. He is craving for it but going the wrong way about getting it.
I concur with Prawnsandwich's view that some people are just shallow - hollow - void of human social connection and money makes them give no consideration to others and so they further dissapear into that void until there is no way out.
Detached from true human compassion and warmth they disintegrate.
Coming back to our Mr Gates, he is happy in his bubble. Now there is a good upstanding man - richest man in the world. Doesn't feel the need to attract attention to him self - only his products.
One last comment back in 2000 sometime I went to Birmingham NEC to Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server OS launch and it was quite a show. Brilliant. Of all people they had Jonathan Ross present and host some of the technical presentations. He slagged off Bill Gates right, left and centre. Of course Bill Gates may also be a hate figure to a few and a nerd figure to some to be made fun of. I'm not sure if Microsoft were aware of the JR's humour - but it went down a treat. World's richest self-made man has the humility to laugh at him self.
A true legend!