what would you do if you were in my shoes?


Hello all

What I am about to say may sound dubious but it really is the truth.

I am in Hong Kong working for a small privately owned trading company. My very successful and very uneducated boss knows nothing about finance and has never invested. He has said to me that if I can guarantee the safety of his money I can use the company funds to invest and can have 20% of the profits. I have access to abouit 1 million US dollars. I myself am a novice to investing and losing any of his money at all is not an option. Can any of you tell me what you would do if you were in my shoes? What is the safest investment for the highest return I can get? I am a UK citizen by the way.

ali287 - He has said to me that if I can guarantee the safety of his money I can use the company funds to invest and can have 20% of the profits. I have access to abouit 1 million US dollars. I myself am a novice to investing and losing any of his money at all is not an option.

Hi ali

are you a man (or woman) of honesty and integrity?

Is it possible for a novice to investing and trading to guarantee the safety of his money?

You could lie, say that you know what you are doing, lose the lot and be labelled a "rogue trader", or you could tell the truth, admit that you are a novice, but that one day you hope to be an expert and admit that you are not ready to be trusted with such big amounts.

I think that 99.99% of the time, honesty is the best policy.

I am in Hong Kong working for a small privately owned trading company. My very successful and very uneducated boss knows nothing about finance and has never invested.

Then why is this person the Manager of a trading company if he knows nothing about finance or investing 😕 😕 :?:
It's true...

Sorry - I sound really suspicious don't I?

My boss is the owner of a trading company. Not a stock trading company but trading company as in car parts trading internationally. Just buying and selling car parts.

He made a lot of money over the last few years. He has given me access to a portion of that money to invest. I know there is no guaranteed safe investment but I just wanted to ask what would be a good and safe investment. So far I have been recommended bank fixed deposits and T bonds.

The property market has cooled off a bit, saying this, 1 million US isn't that much. Have a good think about it ali. You have been given an opportunity most could only dream of. Be wise.
as jonny T said ......leave the country & take the money with you.......thats a very good return........you could also leave him a nice little guarantee that his 'money will be safe with u ' 🙂
Put the $1 million into a savings account. With 5% interest per annum your boss makes $50,000 profit and you take a $10k slice. The $1million will be COMPLETELY safe in the bank.
p.s ......dont tell your boss you are coming here for advice on how to invest his million !!!!!!.........he will soon change his mind 🙂
steal the money!? I couldn't live with myself. Or could I... 🙁 Thanks for the other suggestions though. So apart from a savings account any suggestions? What kind of return should I expect with low risk? Surely there must be a way to make more than 5% and still be relatively safe??
There's always the illegal side to things, Ali. Buying and selling drugs, the slave trade and money laundering.

You could get yourself a 'Columbian neck tie' though.
Don't get me wrong, i don't condone any of the above, they are illegal. But you seem a bit shady to me, matey.
how quick do you want the return & how blinkered are you to types of investment......guarantee is a big thing . Rudeboy mentioned 'property'.......there are still overseas property investments that are worth looking into......pretty safe & good return. can be fairly quick

seriously it is worth looking into, but depends if that is an option for you. ?
If I was "shady" wouldn't I be trying to sell you something or make you do something? I was just after some advice.
Finlayson, thanks, yes I guess property would be an option. Do you know where is good now? Also sorry to ask remedial questions but how should I go about investing in property?
There's always the illegal side to things, Ali. Buying and selling drugs, the slave trade and money laundering.

You could get yourself a 'Columbian neck tie' though.

HAHA You had-to come from Manchester , My old play ground...

Best TONKA...
In truth there is no such thing as a risk free investment even a bank will not guarantee 100% of the money you have deposited in times of crisis.
You would realy need to speak to your employer and discuss how much he is prepared to risk in order to achieve a greater return, if the risk is low then you can only hope for a relatively low return if he is willing to risk 1or 2% over a year then your options open.
if this is an option & you want advice you can pM me , I do not mind helping.

there are many places... I will be going to bulgaria at the start of the season with my partner( business partner) to do some scouting.....some great opportunities there. seriously with a million squid there are some fantastic lumps of land( if you know the right regions) where the return on building( apartments I would advise) is great.....nevermind the rental return & price increases.....especially going into europe in 2007.

if this is seriously an option .....as I say you can PM me, we have developed a fair networkof people out there to aid in this........there can be a lot of red tape, but fairly simple with the right people.