what would you do if you had more money than you ever wanted from trading?

Firstly can I just say that he's not my "boss". I work for myself.

He was no ones boss. He traded his own money but he was the biggest trader in the office.

Atilla, I agree that it is necessary to have a balance in life. It is one area that I completely and utterly fail in. I have no balance whatsoever.

However, the point I was making is my attempt to answer the question I have seen so many people asking before: "if you made millions why would you still be trading?"

The best traders I know trade because they love the game. We've all heard that to be successful you have to detach yourself from the money. If you already thinking of what you are going to do when you've made millions e.g. retire, give it to charity etc... then you are NOT detached from the money.

I don't trade just for the money. I trade because it's the best thing in my life. And maybe I'm sad. But I get a thrill out of watching the market, with pitting my wits against some of the sharpest, most intelligent and ruthless people in the world (to name just a few characteristics) and trying to come out ahead. In putting my own hard earned money on the line based on something that has taken me years to learn and that many fail at.

And for all these reasons, having millions would never make me want to stop.

More money. More margin.

It will never stop until I get bored or I die.

And the odds are good, I'll die first.
Firstly can I just say that he's not my "boss". I work for myself.

He was no ones boss. He traded his own money but he was the biggest trader in the office.

Atilla, I agree that it is necessary to have a balance in life. It is one area that I completely and utterly fail in. I have no balance whatsoever.

However, the point I was making is my attempt to answer the question I have seen so many people asking before: "if you made millions why would you still be trading?"

The best traders I know trade because they love the game. We've all heard that to be successful you have to detach yourself from the money. If you already thinking of what you are going to do when you've made millions e.g. retire, give it to charity etc... then you are NOT detached from the money.

I don't trade just for the money. I trade because it's the best thing in my life. Call me sad. But I get a thrill out of watching the market, pitting wits with some of the sharpest, intelligent, ruthless people in the world and trying to come out ahead. In putting my own hard earned money on the line based on something that has taken me years to learn and that many fail at.

And for all these reasons, having millions would never make me want to stop.

More money. More margin.

It will never stop until I get bored or I die.

And the odds are good, I'll die first.
i like trading, but i haven't 'loved' it so far. i get what you're saying, the market wizards , most of them, would do it for free. though some say if there was no money in it then they wouldnt't trade, for obvious reasons
Money is the most important thing in life. Money buys time to do the more enjoyable things and be a better person. Some of the best things in life really are free but wealth from trading would buy the time to do more of more of them. So money is the most important thing in life - until you've got more than you need.

At that point, you've a deciison to make - although I've got more than I need, has everyone else I would like to help got enough? If the answer is 'No', money again becomes the most important thing in life.

Actually, the answer should always be 'No', so money will always be the most important thing in life.
Firstly can I just say that he's not my "boss". I work for myself.

He was no ones boss. He traded his own money but he was the biggest trader in the office.

Atilla, I agree that it is necessary to have a balance in life. It is one area that I completely and utterly fail in. I have no balance whatsoever.

However, the point I was making is my attempt to answer the question I have seen so many people asking before: "if you made millions why would you still be trading?"

The best traders I know trade because they love the game. We've all heard that to be successful you have to detach yourself from the money. If you already thinking of what you are going to do when you've made millions e.g. retire, give it to charity etc... then you are NOT detached from the money.

I don't trade just for the money. I trade because it's the best thing in my life. And maybe I'm sad. But I get a thrill out of watching the market, with pitting my wits against some of the sharpest, most intelligent and ruthless people in the world (to name just a few characteristics) and trying to come out ahead. In putting my own hard earned money on the line based on something that has taken me years to learn and that many fail at.

And for all these reasons, having millions would never make me want to stop.

More money. More margin.

It will never stop until I get bored or I die.

And the odds are good, I'll die first.

Change is the only constant!

People change.

Our environment changes.

Our aspirations and motives change.

Our needs change.

Dependancies change.

All those interactions will change; trading and money are only two components in a big wheel.

People are too busy travelling doing speed to enjoy the view. In which case one arrives at destination - often unaware of the places passed by.

Often people keep the same job through out their life. Some are able to change careers. Most enhance and improve their skills by virtue of time and errors and mistakes. Trading is no different.

However, beyond a certain level - obsession perhaps - it can become all consuming - similar to what the ring does to Gollum...

Each man to their own to judge what is right for him. What is right for one person where dependancies are involved will not necessarily be right for all - (in fear of stating the obvious). No man is an island. Balance is key.

Don't become a Gollum 😉
Firstly can I just say that he's not my "boss". I work for myself.

He was no ones boss. He traded his own money but he was the biggest trader in the office.

Atilla, I agree that it is necessary to have a balance in life. It is one area that I completely and utterly fail in. I have no balance whatsoever.

However, the point I was making is my attempt to answer the question I have seen so many people asking before: "if you made millions why would you still be trading?"

The best traders I know trade because they love the game. We've all heard that to be successful you have to detach yourself from the money. If you already thinking of what you are going to do when you've made millions e.g. retire, give it to charity etc... then you are NOT detached from the money.

I don't trade just for the money. I trade because it's the best thing in my life. And maybe I'm sad. But I get a thrill out of watching the market, with pitting my wits against some of the sharpest, most intelligent and ruthless people in the world (to name just a few characteristics) and trying to come out ahead. In putting my own hard earned money on the line based on something that has taken me years to learn and that many fail at.

And for all these reasons, having millions would never make me want to stop.

More money. More margin.

It will never stop until I get bored or I die.

And the odds are good, I'll die first.

Don't you think you romanticise trading a bit much Tomathy? 🙂
Money is the most important thing in life. Money buys time to do the more enjoyable things and be a better person. Some of the best things in life really are free but wealth from trading would buy the time to do more of more of them. So money is the most important thing in life - until you've got more than you need.

At that point, you've a deciison to make - although I've got more than I need, has everyone else I would like to help got enough? If the answer is 'No', money again becomes the most important thing in life.

Actually, the answer should always be 'No', so money will always be the most important thing in life.

bollcks ,but you'll have to find out why yourself. :idea:
Without money, what can you do to help the people in Pakistan? Earn more: live more: give more. Don't settle for enough: there's never enough.
just thinking...if you rake in a hundred million in a few years...what next? after the yachts,houses,multiple divorces,cars,guns,hookers, what do you do with your money? do you put it in a bank....why? so you can gain interest? so what will yo do with that?! wouldyou continue trading? but why; to make more money? a never ending cycle, and it seems as if wealthy people have a responsibility to society as to what they do with their money....

me?! i'd have a limit to how much i made, after that i'd take that money and put it in a bank for saving/spending and make a nice living off interest, then continue to trade but, any money made goes towards charity or helping someone 🙂
i'd also manage friends and family's money, without taking cuts 🙂

all while getting 24/7 $ex on a 50 metre long yacht with second degree burns on my johnson.

If i had millions, i'd do f*ck all except enjoy myself. To anyone with half a brain, life is totally different when you can buy what you want.

All this nonsense about, "it won't change me", is for coffin dodgers and dullards.

I'd make sure my kids had the best nannies, and my wife would be well paid off.
Don't you think you romanticise trading a bit much Tomathy? 🙂

Not to answer for TD, but I don't think that he is....he is making the absolutely vital point that if you take the superficial money aspect out of it what you are left with is trying to perfect an art, if it can be done, or at least getting as close to perfection as you can ...

Maybe its something that you never quite reach but always strive to get there..again when you take the actual money side of things out of it, what are you trying to achieve...? The same thing that an athlete / martial artist / chess master is trying to accomplish ........conquering oneself, and bettering all those other participants, from beginners right up to the smartest and quickest sharks at the top of their game, in the world ...so its a sense of competition, achievement and self mastery all rolled into one ...to use the old cliche its a passion...

Thats why the best in any walk of life are the best and why they are so driven.... notwithstanding the level of success they enjoy....

Now hows that for flowery ....
If i had millions, i'd do f*ck all except enjoy myself. To anyone with half a brain, life is totally different when you can buy what you want.

All this nonsense about, "it won't change me", is for coffin dodgers and dullards.

I'd make sure my kids had the best nannies, and my wife would be well paid off.

Yeah you would definitely do a lot of enjoying yourself at first, but somewhere along the line the prehistoric mammalian part of your brain would probably kick in and need to undertake a task / achieve something or fulfill a purpose......10,000 years ago chasing down the woolly mammoth and bringing home the meat was your only purpose in life, and that little bit of your brain is still hidden away in there...so you'd probably end up feeling your life was empty and meaningless despite all the enjoyment......and then turning to drugs or something to fill the emptyness!
All this nonsense about, "it won't change me", is for coffin dodgers and dullards.

But it wouldn't change me. I'd probably still annoy the hell out of the people I currently annoy the hell out of and I'd probably still do all the things I currently do, except all the bits that involve checking on the amount of money it costs.

So what do you mean by 'change'? Would I wear out my fingerprints on the keypad of my local cash machine?

Does that make me a dullard? And what is a coffin dodger? An undertaker in an earthquake?
Yeah you would definitely do a lot of enjoying yourself at first, but somewhere along the line the prehistoric mammalian part of your brain would probably kick in and need to undertake a task / achieve something or fulfill a purpose......10,000 years ago chasing down the woolly mammoth and bringing home the meat was your only purpose in life, and that little bit of your brain is still hidden away in there...so you'd probably end up feeling your life was empty and meaningless despite all the enjoyment......and then turning to drugs or something to fill the emptyness!

😆 10,000 years ago mate....it's no comparison😆 You've got to be f*ckin joking me, right?

Do you understand how gene pools work?

Let me tell you this, they don't work on moral ethics, so forget that.
😆 10,000 years ago mate....it's no comparison😆 You've got to be f*ckin joking me, right?

Do you understand how gene pools work?

Let me tell you this, they don't work on moral ethics, so forget that.

No fecking clue on how gene pools work..never said they work on moral ethics anyway........not tonight anyways ..maybe 10, 000 years ago is a bit too far back , but the point is that Homer Sapiens has not changed a lot in the last few thousand years, ....so all those hunter / gatherer instincts are probably still hidden away somewhere in your persona...YOU JUST NEED TO BRING OUT THE BEAST !
No fecking clue on how gene pools work..never said they work on moral ethics anyway........not tonight anyways ..maybe 10, 000 years ago is a bit too far back , but the point is that Homer Sapiens has not changed a lot in the last few thousand years, ....so all those hunter / gatherer instincts are probably still hidden away somewhere in your persona...YOU JUST NEED TO BRING OUT THE BEAST !

Hunter gatherer. You are involved, and you are trying to gather, you are the beast.

Don't put yourself outside of the chain with talk of moral values....it's deluded.
I am the beast, i want more, millions may quench certain desires, but i will always want more.


The Beast.
Hunter gatherer. You are involved, and you are trying to gather, you are the beast.

Don't put yourself outside of the chain with talk of moral values....it's deluded.

I AM THE BEAST ...WHOOOO HAAAAA...must say that in front of a mirror....

Have no clue with your reference to moral values, didnt mention it any of my posts, maybe its been playing on your mind.....talk to me buddy ....
I AM THE BEAST ...WHOOOO HAAAAA...must say that in front of a mirror....

Have no clue with your reference to moral values, didnt mention it any of my posts, maybe its been playing on your mind.....talk to me buddy ....

😆I didn't say anything, except for what i wanted.....you tried to correct my thoughts....why did you do this?