What will happen on 20 April ?


What will happen on 20 April ? This is my question . I really want to know the answer ; because there are a lot of files have been sent to so many friends with the same question . please help and reply .

Chinese will sell the United States Treasury securities? NORMAN LEBOON SR Weblog

With China studying the past in how we brought England to their knees after they invaded Egypt’s ports with Israel and France, China will SELL our debt on the market (U.S. Treasury).
North Korea doesn’t receive food aid from the South NO-MORE! And, the spring will be a beautiful month for collecting food for its people! WAR— the North is staving! America isn’t doing very well also! So please try to understand how others live in the world! Men with power do VERY stupid things But, Madam Secretary Clinton, to speak to the Great Leader with such disrespect is not good! The North only knows him as the Great Leader, nothing more, nothing less! Mrs. Clinton, may think she speaks with the education from Oxford University is fine but she doesn’t realize HER GRAVE errors to the NORTH.
April 20th 2009 the world will cry, Our stock Market will collapse on this Day as Men with power that lie to America’s Government have created this mess, and still can’t HELP themselves from GREED and Bonuses! “It NEVER Stops”… It NEVER will as more and more men woman and children are becoming HOMELESS on the streets.​
So, this is some Shia Muslim forecast, huh?

Nothing will happen on April 20th.

How do I know?

I read on the internet (so it must be true) that the universe will go into instantaneous reversal through a worm hole and all will be consumed so no universe will exist on April 19th.

Now my question is, "This is my question . I really want to know the answer ; because there are a lot of files have been sent to so many friends with the same question . please help and reply ."

Should I pay my paper bill in cash or by cheque on April 18th?
My Balls Are Gonna Drop..........

Moneys on Whoever Catches Them.........
I am playing Golf... So I dont want any of this end of the world crap going on ????? please...
Hitler would have been celebrating his 120th birthday.

First of all , thank you for your reply , yet ,
I think you mean Wallstreet not Hitler would have been celebrating its birthday but
Do you think it is going to be nice celebration ? I'd like to know your answer , yes or no .
So, this is some Shia Muslim forecast, huh?

Nothing will happen on April 20th.

How do I know?

I read on the internet (so it must be true) that the universe will go into instantaneous reversal through a worm hole and all will be consumed so no universe will exist on April 19th.

Now my question is, "This is my question . I really want to know the answer ; because there are a lot of files have been sent to so many friends with the same question . please help and reply ."

Should I pay my paper bill in cash or by cheque on April 18th?
As for your first question :this is some Shia Muslim forecast, huh?
My answer is : I don't know really any Shia Muslim forecast . Ok ?
Second : you said , " Nothing will happen on April 20th."
I would like to tell you that God is the only one who knows what is going to happen
on that day , right ?
Third : you said , " there are a lot of files have been sent to so many friends with the same question "
Now , I have known your answer , what about your friends' answers ?
People: are like any mineral, rusts with boredom.. expands with hope .. shrinks with pain