North Korea. The biggest threat?

Crap Buddist

Senior member
OK well I saw a documentary, about life inside North Korea, and they really still hate the Imperalist Americans today.Outside foreigners Theres no peace agreement, but just a very long ceasefire they termed it.

So with North Korea now having nuclear capabilities and the people (even senior citizens were ranting thank you leader I will get a gun a kill as many americans as I can etc). That deep level of brainwashing means , upon looking at it, I think they would want to do a number on the west . Big time.

Now with the US wanting its star wars shield to be built in Europe to defend against incoming nukes (from were, North Korea?) and the russians saying , the shield ,that would upset the balance of superpower fairness.

Im looking at where the greater threat is seen to come from. China , Nope, Iran Nope, Russia , nope . North Korea? hmmm.

Any thoughts.
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OK well I saw a documentary, about life inside North Korea, and they really still hate the Imperalist Americans today.Outside foreigners Theres no peace agreement, but just a very long ceasefire they termed it.

So with North Korea now having nuclear capabilities and the people (even senior citizens were ranting thank you leader I will get a gun a kill as many americans as I can etc). That deep level of brainwashing means , upon looking at it, I think they would want to do a number on the west . Big time.

Now with the US wanting its star wars shield to be built in Europe to defend against incoming nukes (from were, North Korea?) and the russians saying , the shield ,that would upset the balance of superpower fairness.

Im looking at were the greater threat is seen to come from. China , Nope, Iran Nope, Russia , nope . North Korea? hmmm.

Any thoughts.

The greater threat is from wherever we are brainwashed into feeling fear from.
The greater threat is from wherever we are brainwashed into feeling fear from.

Yeah agree to a point, I mean when watching these documentaries, I do have a big Spin filter whirring away, trying to decipher the B.S. on the hoof. But the depth of televised conditioned "We hate imperialist americans" seemed ,especially coming from wise senior citizens, seemed beyond playing up for cameras.

It comes across as 25 odd million people of North Korea (of course a a million or 2 might want to live a quiet, non retaliatory future over past inter country differences) Will back to the hilt any action the great leader commands, including an apparent indifferent psyche to any possible exchange of thermo nuclear weapons.

In a way im shocked at the level ,hmm is it radical patriotism ? should that be admired then maybe?
OK well I saw a documentary, about life inside North Korea, and they really still hate the Imperalist Americans today.Outside foreigners Theres no peace agreement, but just a very long ceasefire they termed it.

So with North Korea now having nuclear capabilities and the people (even senior citizens were ranting thank you leader I will get a gun a kill as many americans as I can etc). That deep level of brainwashing means , upon looking at it, I think they would want to do a number on the west . Big time.

Now with the US wanting its star wars shield to be built in Europe to defend against incoming nukes (from were, North Korea?) and the russians saying , the shield ,that would upset the balance of superpower fairness.

Im looking at were the greater threat is seen to come from. China , Nope, Iran Nope, Russia , nope . North Korea? hmmm.

Any thoughts.


On a slightly different note, a very good documentary series is on at the moment - Cooking in the danger zone.
The blokes been to Alaska/Canada, South Korea (where they eat dogs), and yesterday he was in war torn Uganda & Afghanistan. Everyone seemed to make him welcome on yesterdays program, which was a bit surprising for a Brit in Afghanistan.

What documentary about North Korea are you referring to?

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On a slightly different note, a very good documentary series is on at the moment - Cooking in the danger zone.
The blokes been to Alaska/Canada, South Korea (where they eat dogs), and yesterday he was in war torn Uganda & Afghanistan. Everyone seemed to make him welcome on yesterdays program.

What documentary about North Korea are you referring to?


It was called Inside North Korea, i think on national Geographic or Discovery, last night.
A medical team, who went in performing eye operations, on 1,000 people in a few days to help them restore their sight, from kids to elderly. And that was their cover, filming overt when allowed and covert also at risk.

They wanted to get across the psyche today in North Korea and present , objectively? of how things are going. Essentially , no change from hard line hate. Upon having their sight restored all of them gave thanks to the leader, it was he who could make them see again. Not the surgeon who was granted access of course, not him. But Kim Jong-il. The great leader.

Then children, they said and you saw undercover footage of kids all sleeping on floors ,starving to death. Malnutrition, although the north koreans eat the same foods and grow the same crops, the kids they showed were 1 foot shorter than their south korean counterparts. Although they are essentially the same race.

Now you cant refute things like that. And it how can a leader be seen to be great when his own children (countries) have nothing to eat? Oh, but the great leader was the worlds biggest customer for imported Brandy for himself.
Sounds interesting, yet disturbing.

(going off topic again) I've recently seen a few youtube style creations on Iran. The side of Iran they don't show us in the Western media. Cities with nice shops, parks and monuments, a country with superb ski resort facilities that are super cheap like Bulgaria is/was etc., and generally a really nice country in terms of its superb natural terrain.

Granted, Iran has its fair share of problems. Only need to look at the UN numbers for executions per year to see that, but there is also a good side to it, that the Western media are likely to not promote.

Also yesterday, i saw this report on Sky News about this chemical industry town in Russia, that is one of the most toxic places on earth. Lakes/chemical dumps 2 million times more toxic than safe recommended limits.
People living there having no other choice but to work in the chemical industry. Water not safe to drink from the well, although people probably do drink it.
People dying from all types of cancers at a young age. Female life expectancy = 47, male =42.

Then you see programs like Ross Kemp on gangs, in places like St Louis, LA, South Africa, Venezuela, EL salvador etc. where life must again involve constant fear.

So basically, there are many places across the the world where people born there, can perhaps be considered to be very unlucky.

But the bloke on the cooking in the danger zone made a good point yesterday. He said that at the start of the travels he was full of worry about what might happen etc. But you then reach a point, where it simply takes too much effort to worry, and then you just start to go much more with the flow.
I can relate to that logic.
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OK well I saw a documentary, about life inside North Korea, and they really still hate the Imperalist Americans today.Outside foreigners Theres no peace agreement, but just a very long ceasefire they termed it.

So with North Korea now having nuclear capabilities and the people (even senior citizens were ranting thank you leader I will get a gun a kill as many americans as I can etc). That deep level of brainwashing means , upon looking at it, I think they would want to do a number on the west . Big time.

Now with the US wanting its star wars shield to be built in Europe to defend against incoming nukes (from were, North Korea?) and the russians saying , the shield ,that would upset the balance of superpower fairness.

Im looking at where the greater threat is seen to come from. China , Nope, Iran Nope, Russia , nope . North Korea? hmmm.

Any thoughts.

The biggest fear is a dirty bomb in a cosmopolitan city.

Remember few years back the fear was the break up of the Soviet Union with countries like the Ukraine selling nuclear war heads to the highest bidder.

This was very quickly brought under control and accountability applied.

I think the biggest fear is that nuclear war heads or radio active substances will be sold to terrorists. I also think this is perhaps what is feared about Iran's Nuclear development that sympathisers will sooner or later sell technology or material to anti West or anti US elements.

Main problem now is there are three countries potentially who can sell radio active material. Pakistan, Korea and Iran. Probably China and Russia too. Who are you going to attack to get at the bad guys when they are dead anyway and how can you identify who sold what?

The problem is can Korea be given enough incentives to come into control zone or will it continue to be on the outside. With all the hate you talk about it's a tough call.
Walk onto any number of former Soviet Union fields, locate the corn irradiation machines that are now derelict, extract low level nuclear material, and attempt to make a dirty bomb(not as easy as it might sound).

If the US is serious about keeping fissile material off the black market, then why has Bush slashed budgets to help the Ruskies decommission it's nuclear arsenal and power plants?

Old Rumsfeld spent a year in the 70's looking for evidence to prove the existence of Russian secret weapon programs of unimaginably terrifying proportions. After a year he and his neo-con team reported back; 'We can find absolutely no evidence of Russian secret weapons programs, which must mean therefore the secret weapons they have are even more horrifying that we could ever have imagined, that's why they are so secret'.

Elements in the Reagan administration later bought into this stupidity.

'Sexing up' and 'Groupthink' are not new concepts.

As for the threats posed by Korea and Iran, these are exacerbated by US foreign policy and sheer impoliteness when performing conquests. I forgot who said it, but we have as much to fear from our own govenments as from our enemies'.

I live amongst them...they pledge allegiance first, then ask questions second.🙄
Old Rumsfeld spent a year in the 70's looking for evidence to prove the existence of Russian secret weapon programs of unimaginably terrifying proportions. After a year he and his neo-con team reported back; 'We can find absolutely no evidence of Russian secret weapons programs, which must mean therefore the secret weapons they have are even more horrifying that we could ever have imagined, that's why they are so secret'.

Elements in the Reagan administration later bought into this stupidity.

Also, remember the Americans were convinced the Russians were condcting nuke bomb research on the far side of the moon in the last 40s to 50s 🙂

And no, that's not a joke even the President at the time was concerned.
Bloomberg last night caught the bit about, North Korea Dismantling its nuclear programme in exchange for aid, and the yanks are taking North Korea off the list of countries who support terrorism. so I guess that only leaves the US, UK, left ? ehh... 🙂

So old Macdonalds burger joints in north korea by 2012 ? Bit ambitious maybe...

Bloomberg did mention or tease me with a story about a possible formal peace agreement with South Korea being struck , instead of the on going ceasefire, but did I see the story ? did I eck..... either I fell asleep or Bloomberg conned into holding channels. Didnt see it though.

anyway progress from North Korea by the reports of things.......
Whats in a Rocket Test ?

So North Korea launched their test rocket . On the one hand , good for them ?

Now this has been shunned a bit as the US claim that no satelitte was attached to it, so it like a military rocket with possible evil intentions as opposed to the North Korean touted explaination of lauching a peacful rocket.

So North Korea, according to Barack Obama have broken the rules. Also Barack announced what i think is a cunning move, that being that the USA are intent to accelerate into NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS TEST on the planet will be allowed.

Cunning plan I think as this is a nice little "trip wire " of a big international no no that may lead to a full on smoking gun which shall have to be nutralised.

North Korea & Iran maybe will be engaging the trip wire at some point down the road ?

Or is it an attempted move towards genuine peace from barack Obama with this move towards Nuclear niceness on the planet?

ohh hold the fries with the burger joints for the mo.......
No pubs, but they bought an entire brewery from Germany a few years ago and shipped it over so the beer ain't so bad 🙂