What volume is considered sufficient to trade in arcade?


Established member
Often people on this forum are saying that to move to arcade trading you need to have large volume enough. How big is it? And what is volume?

If for example I trade 1 FTSE future contract at a time. How many contracts a month do I have to trade to be considered for arcade trading?

How arcade calculate volume? Number of lots traded (is 1 future contract counts as a lot?). Or number of round-trip trades (in and out = 1 trade)? Or is it total of monetary value traded (1 FTSE contract trade = 60K)?
I think total spins - so if you do 100 spins with 1 contract, it's the same as 50 spins with 2 contracts.

As for volume needed, pretty obvious really - it becomes a good deal when cheaper commissions make up for the desk fees. Say you were paying £2 per spin from home, and an arcade was offering £1 per spin and £1500 per month desk fees (all made-up numbers - you'd have to ring up to get a quote), you would need to make 1500 spins per month (75 per day) to break even - any more and you would save money in the arcade, any less and you're better off at home.

Also worth thinking about:
-in an arcade you need to earn an amount equal to your desk fee (after commissions) every month, just to stand still and stop your account getting eaten up.
-unless you already live in London, you'll need to move there, which will also cost, especially if you're used to the cheaper rents elsewhere.
from that prospective - I've seen figures as 1000 montly rent and 1 RT. Plus comission from home would be 2.50 RT. So the economy is 1.5 per 'spin'. Which needs about 35 spins a day to have it even with brokerage fees (working 20 days a month).

I am in London. But my working day starts at 10 now... It will be pretty tough to get to workplace before 8.. 👎

But original question was a bit different. I had an impression that arcades will not accept you if you do not volume enough. My question was - how big volume should be to be accepted by arcade.... Or did I get it wrong and they dont care as long as you pay your fees?
You'd have to ring them up - they'll take into account how much volume you do when they make you an offer. Obviously if you're doing 100000 spins a month they'll be willing to give you a better offer than if you do 1000.

How many are you doing at the moment, and how big is your account?
my previous experience is - SB which is not real experience. I will open Mirus account, trade part-time for a month then I can tell you. But from what I see (SB and simulators with different brokers) I probably will be able to do 1500 spins a month. But not 100000.

I can gather 25k quite fast. I can double it if result will be substantial and consistent. Other than that - is it too early to talk.

But I am not going to trade more than 5 contracts at a time.
I probably will be able to do 1500 spins a month. But not 100000.

Don't get the wrong idea - you shouldn't be trying to do as many spins as possible in order to justify being in an arcade. Only do as many as you need to, then decide from there whether or not to go down the arcade route.
No of course not. I am doing that assumption (I know that it is mother of all ups 🙂) using my progress on simulators other past weeks.

But it has to be confirmed on practice.....

And to be precisely honest... I dont want to go to arcade! Me waking up at 6 - is horror movie! Of course I will do it if I can be sure that my money will double but not unless that...

But I'd rather sit at home and make a bit lesser.... Why arcades dont provide remote services?? It is obvious solution and having VPN or even dedicated line to arcade server will worsen your connection only on 12ms... And no hassle with setting up desks/computers/monitors etc. Just dont get it........
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Actually a number of arcades provide remote services. Why don't you give a few of the better ones a call and get all the information you need direct from the horses mouth?
there are few reasons for that:

a) I want to trade through a broker for 2-3 months to prove that I can do it with DOM before I start to look for an arcade

b) week ago I even didnt know what arcade is and what that kind of business exists (I thought people buy real seats in exchanges to trade directly paying hundreds of thousands for that) 😆

c) I havent really seen list of arcades not to mention their ratings. (I promise I will get to that point). 😏

But thank you - you are the first person who said that some arcades sell remote access - I asked million times this question and had no answer (I figured out that it is silly to ask and such things do not exist) 👍