Earlier on I said I'd summarise, for the benefit of the archives if nothing else. So here goes:
It looks to me like liquidity provision and scalping are to a career in professional speculative trading what cold calling is to a career as a salesman: Evil but necessary and some people get so good at it that they stick with it while others move on to doing things differently but stay in the industry.
Some arcades are better than others. Those who know don't say 🙁 whatever the reasons may be. So, punter^H^H^H^H^H^Htrader beware!
Is that all, I hear you ask. Actually, yes, I think so - hard information is not easy to come by in threads like this one. PMs are a little better for that but being *P*Ms I can't very well summarise them. (Hint, hint!)
Thanks to all who replied.
It looks to me like liquidity provision and scalping are to a career in professional speculative trading what cold calling is to a career as a salesman: Evil but necessary and some people get so good at it that they stick with it while others move on to doing things differently but stay in the industry.
Some arcades are better than others. Those who know don't say 🙁 whatever the reasons may be. So, punter^H^H^H^H^H^Htrader beware!
Is that all, I hear you ask. Actually, yes, I think so - hard information is not easy to come by in threads like this one. PMs are a little better for that but being *P*Ms I can't very well summarise them. (Hint, hint!)
Thanks to all who replied.