Hi Atilla,
Noted your time frames on Dow thread -week day & 4 hour, great trade the other day😀
This is text book theory. Start from long term and drill in to your short term time frame so you get the bigger picture.
I to follow these time frames but weakness leads me towards intra day, suppose its illusion you are cutting risk by watching, but you end up bailing when should be holding etc. Yes and this is where I used to go wrong. Intraday promotes excessive trades. Has it's cons and pros.
Question: On above time frames what stops do you set and which time frame. Do you have limit order in market etc I'm mixed up in this area. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. My risk reward ratio is 1:2 if I'm setting limits. I usually set SL if going long as if markets plummet they can do so with much faster ferocity and speed than longs. I normaly don't set SL when going short. I do have mental SL which I normaly stick to.
I ask because I work and can choose mornings or afternoons but would benefit if I adopted this approach :?: I notice if you stick to one or two instruments you are better than having a few. DOW, GOLD and few FXs are my preferred choice. DOW is probably favourite. Watch it in the morning and trade it in the afternoon and evenings.
Returned to swing trading just last week. The Stop always bothers me when away from screen 😕 don"t get me wrong I use it without hesitation the second I am aware wrong but find it hard to determine wrong in advance😕
Think you can trade and work, if you can"t you can"t trade proper in my mind and I can"t yet 🙁 😕 but I can trade a bit 😆