Trade full time or part time? Advice please?

King Tut-Tut: the disapproving Pharaoh.

Maybe he only trades once a millenium.
I have recently started to trade in the evenings (6 months ago). I have always wanted to become a professional, but couldn't afford to loose my monthly salary. After trying lots of different systems and strategies I eventually came across Markets Mastered from a search on Google, I purchased the 'Trade With A Day Job' manual (I think that is what it's called) and now get home around 5pm and trade in the evenings till about 9pm. The published number of pips that can be earnt in the evening is 20, and I hit that target around 90% of the time in a month, trading at £10/pip.

The manual is well laid out, tells you everything you need to know as a beginner, and Nick (the author) offers unlimited email support for any questions you have. He also recommends you paper trade until you can successfully enter and exit trades, which I will second, but with no real experience I was trading with my real money just under a month from purchasing the system.

In the next year or two I was planning to cut down my hours at work and trade with another system authored by Nick, whereby you can trade at any time of the day (or night apparently).

Hope that helps.
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I have recently started to trade in the evenings (6 months ago). I have always wanted to become a professional, but couldn't afford to loose my monthly salary. After trying lots of different systems and strategies I eventually came across Markets Mastered from a search on Google, I purchased the 'Trade With A Day Job' manual (I think that is what it's called) and now get home around 5pm and trade in the evenings till about 9pm. The published number of pips that can be earnt in the evening is 20, and I hit that target around 90% of the time in a month, trading at £10/pip.

The manual is well laid out, tells you everything you need to know as a beginner, and Nick (the author) offers unlimited email support for any questions you have. He also recommends you paper trade until you can successfully enter and exit trades, which I will second, but with no real experience I was trading with my real money just under a month from purchasing the system.

In the next year or two I was planning to cut down my hours at work and trade with another system authored by Nick, whereby you can trade at any time of the day (or night apparently).

Hope that helps.

Another 1 poster promoting his own product.. Why dont u test it by shoving it up ur a$$... !!!
I trade that strategy as well (Markets Mastered) It's ok. It got me going part-time, and I am now full-time with long weekends off. I am fortunate in so far as I now have a sizeable trading bank as I did not dip into it while I was trading part-time

Make no mistake though, it is a long hard slog to get to the stage where you are financially independent through just trading for a living. I traded part-time for around 4 years before I left my day-job a few months ago.

There are NO short-cuts to becoming a trader, but if you want to be a Dentist/Doctor/Accountant - there are NO shortcuts there either. Treat it as proper job and then once you are going, treat it as a small business. In the beginning I spent every waking hour in front of the computer screen learning and reading anything I could get my hands that was trading related. I realised early on that I wasn't going to be able to design my own system, so that is why I bought somebody elses.

Just realised how old these posts are - I hope everything turned out ok for the originator of the thread. Perhaps you could give us an update ? Would be interesting to hear your story over the last 4 years
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Day trading and teaching both require your fullest attention - you will not be able to do both at the same time! (and the kids always know!! :cheesy: )

I agree, you should take up trading as a part time job.
During the first phases you should not trade. At least not for profit, doing some test trades, to become acquainted with your order platform, get a feeling for the market is all what is needed.

During this time your savings will have to cover your costs, including realtime feed, PC etc.

This will take anywhere from 6 -24 months, with 12 - 18 months most likely. But it is impossible to give any reliable numbers here. There must be enough money left from your savings to serve as trading capital.


Excellent advice. I said something similar a week or so back but some freak called Disney said I was an idiot. He seemed to suggest that all the training and experience can be done in a matter of weeks. Got to love the naivety of the guy.

OP. Listen to Bernd's advice.
Earlier I was trading part time to gain experience and knowledge. But after some months I started trading full time. However, I think it is not for full time jobs.
you can buy some pets and after some month carrying you can sale all your pets in the market and you can earn some money like cats dogs and i hope this is very effective for you at home
you can buy some pets and after some month carrying you can sale all your pets in the market and you can earn some money like cats dogs and i hope this is very effective for you at home

Whatever you're smoking - stop it now !!!
I wonder how King Tut did?

I wonder how you are getting on after all this time and what path you have taken