What personality should a winning trader have? Does it even matter?

I doubt that african wild dogs spend a lot of time handling personal psychological problems of members, but otherwise this is something new for me, thank you for giving so much information 🙂

Are you for real, Herr UbergangMaestro 🙂

Wild dogs and any such group operates on the strength of the pack for longevity and success. Look at the way they groom each other, play and rest together, eat together, when one is down, the others pull his weight, they defend each other ................ handling each others' problems is an integral element to stay strong as a team to SURVIVE. There is other stuff you have not even cottoned on to, namely the hierarchy - get into this and it will open yet another chapter into the psychology of the wild dog pack.

Guys, I'm wondering, do you think there are any specific personality characteristics that can make you a more successful trader?
Or on the other side of the equation - are there any personality characteristics that should keep you from trading? What do you think?

Hi Exscudo,

I thought I’d share another personality trait which recently came to mind:

Forgiving type of personality.

I realized this on my own when I was in an options crowd on the floor of a stock exchange. Then a few months later, a trader from another crowd who I was friends with was telling me roughly the same thing. He said something to the effect of: “In this type of business, you must have a forgiving personality”.

However, that does not mean you let people walk all over you. If you have to, you have your exchange of words, go your separate ways then not deal with that person again.

From what little I know about psychology, I would guess a forgiving personality helps because in trading, the person you have to forgive the most is yourself. Especially after losing trades. A lot of people can have difficulty forgiving themselves. Not only in trading but in life too.

Think of yourself as a hockey goalie. Goalies in sports are among the types of people most in need of self-forgiveness because the next time a puck comes flying at you, you had better have a clear mind and the fortitude it takes to succeed. It’s not much different than trading in my opinion.
Hi Exscudo,

I thought I’d share another personality trait which recently came to mind:

Forgiving type of personality.

I realized this on my own when I was in an options crowd on the floor of a stock exchange. Then a few months later, a trader from another crowd who I was friends with was telling me roughly the same thing. He said something to the effect of: “In this type of business, you must have a forgiving personality”.

However, that does not mean you let people walk all over you. If you have to, you have your exchange of words, go your separate ways then not deal with that person again.

From what little I know about psychology, I would guess a forgiving personality helps because in trading, the person you have to forgive the most is yourself. Especially after losing trades. A lot of people can have difficulty forgiving themselves. Not only in trading but in life too.

Think of yourself as a hockey goalie. Goalies in sports are among the types of people most in need of self-forgiveness because the next time a puck comes flying at you, you had better have a clear mind and the fortitude it takes to succeed. It’s not much different than trading in my opinion.

sorry - im so busy chasing the hunting dogs ....eagles ...falcons...lions ....cheaters....... and all the other wildlife on this thread.... ive forgotten the question ? ....🙂
sorry - im so busy chasing the hunting dogs ....eagles ...falcons...lions ....cheaters....... and all the other wildlife on this thread.... ive forgotten the question ? ....🙂

The question was, "what type of very young fella will grow up to be an outstanding trader?"


So Little Fibo's teacher is warned at the beginning of the school year not to ever make a bet with Fibo unless she is absolutely sure she will win it. One day in class, Fibo raises his hand and says "teacher, I'll bet you $50 I can guess what color your underwear is." She replies, "okay, meet me after class and we'll settle it." But before class ends, she goes to the restroom and removes her panties. After class is over and the students clear out, Fibo makes his guess. "Blue." "Nope. You got it wrong," she says as she lifts her skirt to reveal she isn't wearing any underwear.

"Well come with me out to my dads car, he's waiting for me, and I'll get you the money." She follows him out. When they get to the car she informs his dad that he got the bet wrong and that she showed Johnny that she wasn't wearing any underwear. His dad exclaims: "That mother f**ker! He bet me $100 this morning that he'd see your p**sy before the end of the day!"
Guys, I'm wondering, do you think there are any specific personality characteristics that can make you a more successful trader?
Or on the other side of the equation - are there any personality characteristics that should keep you from trading? What do you think?

A sense of humor. No winning trader goes without one that is native to him. After a big loss the only thing that rescues such a MAN is a joke(s). Lafffter = best medicine for ALL Life but for Traders its like a shot of fortified vitamins and minerals.

Laffter is extinct here at T2W.

Laffter was the #1 atmosphere at ET until late 2018. Then it started dying off and the traders started leaving, most oldtimers are gone

How often would an American post from his cubicle at work that his loud laffter was causing alarm at the workplace and associates are asking him wtf is going on and he'd show them and they'd be hooked too.

ET's owner's premise from the old days was that he wanted to be as true to the language of Wall Street as possible, so 4 letter words and all sorts of jokes flew like there was no tomorrow and the traders laffffffffed and lafffffed and laffffffed their asses off and it was bloody good fun to just get in there and catch up and post. NOT the stupid idea of making a thread just for jokes - the dumbest thing EVER, it kills the joke's power at the front door itself as it has no or fake context. In open forum the thread's context battle charges the joke and it explodes on the traders.

Both forums are dead meat nowadays. Fibo is doomed to hang out with dried up nuns.

