What made you choose your trading style

Great question ... I received an email from T2W just the other day and I have been a long time not posting, but this question seemed to resonate with me.

For me it was by trial and error, most of my training/trading came from the school of hard knocks, where I am currently working on my doctorate ... ha!

Seriously, though I favor Day Trading ... yes ... I am one of those guys, and I like to trade FUTURES to boot ... dude will you just shut up already ... lol.

I have developed my own trading style based on my own trading risk that I am comfortable with. I have made my own way of taking profits while utilizing the top 3 PRINCIPLES, in my humble opinion which are as follows:

1. Cut Your Losses Short
2. Let Your Profits Run
3. Take Profits on the RIDE!!

My favorite market to trade is currently the Crude Oil Market ... yes ... I am an EVIL Speculator ... ha. In addition, I like Gold, the Indices, and the bonds. I will trade an occasional seasonal trade in the grains.

It's been way too long since I have been here it felt good to write a bit tonight and share some of the 25 years of hard knocks I have been through as a trader.

My advice for the new traders is to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER QUIT! I believe to get into the 5% that win you have to pay your dues. Yes, we are all part of the 95% that lose in the beginning except for those lucky souls that get it right from the get go.

Which in my experience is about 1 in 10,000 traders, in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the great question on the T2W forum!

Good Continued Trading,
Great question ... I received an email from T2W just the other day and I have been a long time not posting, but this question seemed to resonate with me.

For me it was by trial and error, most of my training/trading came from the school of hard knocks, where I am currently working on my doctorate ... ha!

Seriously, though I favor Day Trading ... yes ... I am one of those guys, and I like to trade FUTURES to boot ... dude will you just shut up already ... lol.

I have developed my own trading style based on my own trading risk that I am comfortable with. I have made my own way of taking profits while utilizing the top 3 PRINCIPLES, in my humble opinion which are as follows:

1. Cut Your Losses Short
2. Let Your Profits Run
3. Take Profits on the RIDE!!

My favorite market to trade is currently the Crude Oil Market ... yes ... I am an EVIL Speculator ... ha. In addition, I like Gold, the Indices, and the bonds. I will trade an occasional seasonal trade in the grains.

It's been way too long since I have been here it felt good to write a bit tonight and share some of the 25 years of hard knocks I have been through as a trader.

My advice for the new traders is to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER QUIT! I believe to get into the 5% that win you have to pay your dues. Yes, we are all part of the 95% that lose in the beginning except for those lucky souls that get it right from the get go.

Which in my experience is about 1 in 10,000 traders, in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the great question on the T2W forum!

Good Continued Trading,


