Both scalping and position/ swing trading can make you far more money than you will ever be able to spend. The money is not and should not be a consideration when finding your style.
Wow! That sounds great! Believe me, the money has always been a consideration, as far as I am concerned. 😀
Let me say that scalping, if you can do it with your mind on the ball, will not be unprofitable. That is more than can be said of traders who slap a stop loss on a trade and forget it.
I took 40 points on Thursday and lost 2 points on Friday in two trades. I aim to keep`those losing trades small and hope for the next good runs. That is all that you can do but it needs you to pay attention to what you are doing.
Previous highs, lows, patterns, and whatever, previous to the previous few hours have little influence on my trading now. It used to but I think, with age, thst I have learned better. It's all about your view of probabilities. Whst is going to happen NEXT?
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