what is it with you guys?

Okay Citroen, fair enuff!!!! 🙁

Anyway the new guy will be posting the next trade real soon! :cheesy:

By the way we both know the system is good but we've supposedly cracked it, but lets keep an eye on the next trade and see what figures the new guy Richard comes up with!!!

Maybe we dont know the whole system just yet........ :idea:


Good 1 Mr Chill, u got Initiative 😎

More more thing Soultrader i like the sound of your system, maybe you should back test it over a few years and see what the results are like, im sure theres a few guys here who will be interested.

About the day-trading system, it sounds very profitable but im like you i cant handle the heat, but i would consider going back if the system was worth it!!!!

Tell us more about this system 😉
I think discussion of systems would be okay, generally I'd expect those with a vested interest in the discussion to declare it, and the discussion should not be used to promote your product. When all is said and done if one of the snake oil types wants to sell then Paul will no doubt be happy to accept a paid for advert. Equally if a discussion about systems got under way then those interested should be free to join it without a barrage of criticism - with all due respect (I actually mean that, by the way <g>) the absence of a thing does not prove it cannot exist... a 'Holy Grail' system might well be possible, I wouldn't claim for a nanosecond to have one however. (I've never seen Australia either).
SoulTrader. Sorry mate, can't be bothered to read the whole thread( apologies if this has been covered) but the point I always raise is:-

If it was possible to create a system to trade the market - there would be NO MARKET. Goldman's, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank etc, etc would have sunk their enormous resources behind it, and refined the systems to such a degree that no price would ever move on a day by day basis as every trading system would perfectly predict the outcome and negate that outcome. And I'm not being rude, I'm sure you're a wealthy and successful individual, but the financial and computing resources of the investment backing, Portfolio management & Hedge fund industries far outweight your resources.
brilliant!! - dont you just love having a nanny ;-)

Official Warning
We regret to inform you, but you have been given 5 points for Disrespect towards other Members. The post for which you were warned is located at:

The comment left was: Telling people to s*d off

The warning will expire on 2003-12-24.

The Trade2Win Boards team
soultrader said:
brilliant!! - dont you just love having a nanny ;-)

Official Warning
We regret to inform you, but you have been given 5 points for Disrespect towards other Members. The post for which you were warned is located at:

The comment left was: Telling people to s*d off

The warning will expire on 2003-12-24.

The Trade2Win Boards team

Well, if you find it difficult to peddle your wares on this site then go elsewhere and tell your new audience that, albeit you are a part time "trader" and more truthfully a marketeer, you have beaten the full time guys who are self employed, working for brokers, major institutions, and other investment bodies.

Some dumb-ass might believe you and send you his cash. 🙄
hi citytrader,

yes, thats correct - but im not wanting to be jpm or any other institution - remember these companies have to turn a profit day in day out - in fact minute by minute.

Most home traders are happy with one trade a day or even a week and if you can make a grand every couple of days then thats fine for them isnt it.

JPM etc dont have this luxury and the systems that we look at and want to use are much less geared to quick trades making a penny a share here and there on volumes of thousands.

can you understand what im saying.

oh, and morning neil - meals on wheels been yet?
Hi Soultrader.

im convinced you've got me blocked of something, im the only guy here showing an interest in your system, com'on man tell me some more!!!! Its sounds so far
My opinion..


I dont want to flan this flame anymore but I thought I would add my worthless contract in --

If you had found a system that worked 99% (or even 90%) of the time for a given period of time (lets assume 1 year) - would you really sell it for £100 (or whatever the notional amount). Personally I dont believe that I would - I would keep taking out of it (and then perhaps sell it)..

In regards to the first post of why doesnt Bill Gates stop writing/selling software - reason is that Gates has not released the code i.e. it is propereirty (sp) - seee the similarities !!


I posted.It got toasted but I'll keep on truckin' with ya. ' I'm minted' - he boasted.Just another system seller f####n' with yer.
Didn't mma get booted ( I miss mma... too late to start a " Bring back mma" campaing??!!!) for only 10 warning points?!!!
Hi CityTrader

Mma got 13 warning points (the 3rd set of which I'm particularly proud of!)


SoulTrader seems to have managed 13 points after only 2 and half days as a member (some sort of record?) but does not seem to be marked as 'banned'. EDIT: Has been now...

Minor question: Could someone please explain how the colour coding works in the 'rating bar'. Is a rainbow pattern better than a straight green? What does straight red mean? Half a rainbow?
Straight green means that all 8 voters gave you a 5 rating.

However, if one of them changes their minds and gives you a 4 (above average) rating, then you will turn multi-coloured. Those who don't know this assume, quite incorrectly, that you must have given them a Bad (1) rating.

Just for demonstration purposes I've changed my vote from a 5 to a 4 and you've gone all multi-coloured. I'll change it back later so you're frog green again. 😀
Hi Zow,

As soon as you reach 10 points, you're automatically banned. However it doesn't show up as "Banned" on your user profile until we manually change it, so while you saw it before as "Junior Member" SoulTrader was still banned. I need to really automate it.

The colour system for the rating is a bit confusing, and I should probably make it simpler. Bascially if its all green then it's 5/5 - the best, when it's multicoloured, its 4/5, when it's multicoloured and doesn't quite fill the bar its 3/5 and so on until it hardly fills up the bar at all and its red and that's just 1/5. I'll update it so if you move your mouse over it tells you the rating as well as the number of votes.
Thanks Skimbleshanks

I can now 'wear' my green bar with pride.
So my green beats your rainbow!? hoorah! 🙂

As a suggested possible improvement, as well as seeing who rated you, couldn't you see what rating they gave? I wouldn't want to be mistaken as the person who gave a positive/negative rating when actually did the opposite....
EDIT: Looks like Sharky is implimenting something along those lines anyway...thanks!
Certainly not, Zow. It just shows that I have led a colourful life, whereas you're just one big goodie two shoes. :cheesy:
'Tis true, I've led a very sheltered life! 🙂

Very interested in hearing more about your 'colourful life' though! :cheesy:

Live life vicariously....it's less messy that way. 😉
Zow, now added - move your mouse over the coloured bar and it tells you how many points ave been awarded. Thanks for the suggestion.