What ever happend to The Bramble

Goodbye The Bramble

I have been in contact with Tony's brother Bill who sent me this text

"I am sorry to inform you Tony is no longer with us. I did try to sign up to t2w at the time just to let the membership know as I knew from numerous conversation with him that he had been a passionate contributor to the site. However, I wasn’t able to as site management had blocked our domain IP. (I don’t need to know – with Tony, I can imagine!)

Africa is as alluring commercially now as it has ever been and equally as dangerous. As his big brother I cautioned him against personally managing our portfolio out there suggesting the use of local intermediaries instead. But he was a hands-on kind of chap and felt we needed ‘company boots on the ground’.

We never received confirmation from the authorities on the nature of his demise or of even having located his remains let alone recovering them and have had to rely on anecdotal and 3rd party information, but from sufficient independent sources to unfortunately satisfy our worst fears.

He is greatly missed by us all and the good work he started out there, both commercially for the corporation and those of a more personal philanthropic nature continue to blossom and do his memory proud.

It pleases me that you found something from his efforts which has been of use to you"

His brother said "Feel free to use any or all of the contents of my email to you".

The only parts I have missed out are the contact details and his full name, but I am sending a copy of the full email onto Sharkey so that he can verify its veracity.

I will end with a quote of his that I sent to Tony in 2008 when he departed T2W (again !).

"Keep up the good work and don't ever, please, just don't ever stop thinking afresh. You'd be amazed just how few do"

Just a quick confirmation that I did indeed from Charlton, a copy & paste of the email conversation containing, in part, the reply above from Bill. If true, then it's sad news indeed =(
What a shame, it appears to be true, I wish I had never asked. 🙁
I found a random quote from Tony in T2W, which seemed to sum up his flamboyant and entertaining writing style.


"Thanks to all those who jumped in to support my position. Although vanity may have had a lesser mortal believing
it was personal support,I suspect it was a more basic human response of indignation at an unjustified (and uncharacteristic) mauling."

Classic Bramble.
That is terribly sad news. I last spoke with him in 2012 but he disappeared not long after and I thought nothing of it. A great shame.
Oh dear, what sad news. I never could scroll past any of his posts.

I wonder if he ever figured out if the plane takes off? Can't remember which side of the argument he was on, but he was in a minority of one I remember that.

Hi CV,

that sounds mysterious, let's hear it.

Did you find out sthg new ?

Don't tell me the story was a fake ???

Hi CV,

that sounds mysterious, let's hear it.

Did you find out sthg new ?

Don't tell me the story was a fake ???


I would also like to know what CV is implying.

To clarify - I had been given an email address by The Bramble before he left T2W. As a result of the questions being raised by this thread, I sent an email to that address, which was a company domain. I received a reply from that company domain the text of which I pasted in my earlier message.

I also forwarded the full email reply (including my original email sent) to Sharky so that he had the full text, email addresses and header.

So I want to emphasise that what I posted in that message was a genuine response to the email I sent to the email address given by Bramble to me at the time.

just to clarify, hope a false impression didn't come over, didn't want to imply at all that I thought you, Charlton, might have been behind what CV might be implying, but if at all Mr. B himself.


just to clarify, hope a false impression didn't come over, didn't want to imply at all that I thought you, Charlton, might have been behind what CV might be implying, but if at all Mr. B himself.

No problem - I did not get that impression at all.
